30 King of the Mountains & Trip in Time

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson


"Hey." Was all she said as I transformed out of my white dress to some more comfy clothes, which were my nighties and they had little peacock feathers all over them. It was a two piece as I plopped down and sighed, but Demeter didn't notice so I sighed loader until she responded.

"What's up or you wouldn't be bugging me like this." She said looking at me, she was in green nighties.

"I told him." I said she took a second to see what I was talking about.

"Finally took you long enough, you know what this moment needs?" She asked already knowing the answer as I just guess.

"A good book?" I said hoping I was right.

"What? No this calls for a 'Finally made the right choice' party." She said clapping her hands and chip, ice cream (chocolate mostly), Twinkies, and Diet Coke she jumped up and down like Aphrodite would when something she wanted happened. This was going to be a long night before the storm. (See what I did there? God my jokes are bad)

NOW: (day before Percy's second battle)


I lay in my almost depleted lake of blood only some spots were left they really gulped it down over the day. I just keep moving my Hoodie around to the spots were small pockets are left, I just keep on my little rock and meditate hoping to find a way to open a third domain so fare nothing. I just kept feeling the wind brush up against me like it is trying to push me to something but I just get the shivers.

After a while I just give up move the hoodie to a new field of blood and go to the hunters, I find them sharpening their arrow. It reminds me of old times as I sit down and watch them, but I just on instinct grabbed some and started sharpening them.

"Hey Percy you don't need to do this, you need to gain back you energy for the next attack." One girl said reaching out for me to stop I just hold her hand back.

"No I will help you this gets my mind off things when I was your guys slave boy." I chuckled as I continued sharpening; they just grinned and laughed a little.

"Remember when he got lost in the forest for a week?" One said.

"Yeah it was so funny to see you with just your hoodie as your only piece of clothing, god I thought I had seen it all at that time." Another responded.

"Not as bad as when Cody made a move at you." I said, Cody just blushed as Kelsey just laughed.

"Shut up I didn't know yet okay." Cody hissed at me.

"Yeah Kelsey learned pretty quickly though." Kelsey stopped laughing and growled at me, by this time everyone was laughing and almost crying. I hadn't felt this calm in many years over my life maybe twice when I was just taking in the scene of a beautiful picture, but the feeling in the air was something someone only experienced maybe once in their life.

Then the wind that pushed me came, but I was in such a good move I didn't notice it as it passed around me. At this time everything seemed right if there wasn't a battle about the gods going on. I found I had sharpened all my arrows as they continued to laugh still; I got up and went back to my lake.

When I got there I moved my hoodie to the last blood pool in the massive lake it had drained, I got back up on my rock and started to reminisce about my memories. More and more winds brushed up against me as I meditated but they just passed right by like I was an immovable object to them.

Finally a big gust came but it went around me like I was the one dividing it, so large in fact it moved the trees a little then settled back down. But then a female voice hummed in the air like two rock grinding against each other.

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