39 Cabins, Fang's Acquaintance, Hunters

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"Well if you ever need anything don't be afraid to ask for anything as a new major goddess, in the meantime feel free to use my realm as your home for a while okay. I now Zeus will try something in the next day or so just stay at my palace okay." I said to her as she nodded and just kept looking at me with her soft brown eyes and her silver hair that shined in the light. I suddenly felt something click as I just kept looking at her and looked away as she blushed a heavy gold and also looked away.

The rest of the time was full of Zeus getting insults from every god ever Mr. D who never really took part in the whole thing. But after a while I just got up and started to leave as suddenly both Leo and Piper appeared in front of me in a puff of motor oil and perfume. Hera just followed me as I motioned for the demigods to follow; Piper seemed to not talk as Leo went crazy talking about things in his dads work shop.

I looked down at Piper to only have her blush as she looked away as Hera seemed to just follow on my left and Piper on my right as I just kept walking we all listened to Leo spout his imaginations as I noticed he had a briefcase with him. I guessed it was a gift from Vulcan or the roman Hephaestus, as we walked on I noticed Hera was brushing up against me as we walked. As I looked at her I noticed she was getting tired so I thought of the time and it was 11 pm.

"Hey I'm just going to transport us to camp seeing as there is an entrance to my palace there." I said and Hera nodded as did the demigods as I opened a light transport and off we went.

NOW: (camp half-blood Chaos cabin.)

After the light disappeared were we in front of the Chaos cabin, Leo and Piper fell down at the sudden movement as the large building surprised them. As they starred in awe Percy just sighed and finally spoke to them, he was getting tired so he wanted to go to bed.

"Hey you two can stay here tonight I don't care but go to bed tomorrow I feel it will be a busy day." Percy said as they nodded, Leo ran off but Piper stayed behind as she went over to the drowsy Hera and helped her inside.

"Thanks for today Percy." Piper said as they walked to the cabins door with Hera under their shoulders as she just passed out.

"Don't worry about it, you sent me a prayer to help and I did. Unlike the gods of Olympus I can interfere with mortal or demigod lives, but it was also a request from your mother." Percy said as he walked up to the door to have it slide to the side as Piper was puzzled by this, Percy nodded and led her inside after taking the exhausted goddess and carrying her bridal style.

The place was massive compared to the other cabins but the inside was much more than a normal cabin. There was a full size kitchen with everything you could imagine and plenty of counter space. There was a bar connecting to one of the counters by the kitchen so people could sit and eat there. The dining room held its own table that seemed that it could hold at least thirty people but, there was plenty of space around it to move and stuff.

The living room consisted of every child's dreams whoever you were; it was a 72 inch TV with every gaming system you could imagine. There was enough room between the coffee table and the TV that you could play dance dance any of them and not hit each other. The coffee table had multiple controllers on it; PS4, Xbox 1, Wii-U, and many more. But that wasn't it either; around the TV was surround system that make any techno nerd jump in joy.

It was three Klipsch Reference 5.0 RB-51 II Surround Sound Speaker Packages, it was amazing. But that wasn't it as Piper saw there was a whole two stories left as she awed at the amazing building.

"Percy how in the world could you afford all of this stuff, this is way different from the other cabins." Piper said as she looked around the amazing place.

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