56 Long Days, Stalkers, & Oh Shit!

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"Oh I can just imagine it now seeing this meet log plunging in an out of my tight little hairless pussy can't you. Our juices mixing in a river of lover as you cum deep in me as your cum fill up my small little womb, but you still force more in and I love the feeling of my womb expanding. Then after your done with my tight little pussy you will move onto my ass and plunge all ten wet, hard, cum covered, dick into my ass spreading my ass cheeks as you do."

"But you don't stop there you put it in all the way but you don't take it out you move around so you swirl inside me. Then after ten minutes of my wet walls constantly cuming and spraying juices all over me you fill me once again with that thick fertile cum inside me. So much my belly bulges a little, then once you are done you gently plant yourself inside my pussy and I fall asleep on you your cum leaking out of both my holes."

"So Percy is that little imagery getting you going?" She asked as she gently blew on my dick, but still not touching it as my now iron hard was felt like I could knock down a wall with it.

"Yes it did pleas suck me I beg you!" I said a little more pleading then I meant as she laughed at me.

"Oh but Percy I am only playing that's all." She said as she was gone in a silver flash as I was left half naked alone in the gym.

"Damn her; well I guess karma is a bitch huh."



After the little incident with Artemis everything has been going smoothly, but we had a couple of almost slip ups here and there. Mostly Piper though at school with Zoë, after the whole world became aware that our wedding was just right around the corner they flipped the Hades out. People going crazy over us would be an understatement, especially the girls.

Artemis being the goddess of maidens still got a lot of shall I say hate towards me; let's just say some people weren't exactly happy I was taking the goddess as my wife even though her vow. But after a few weeks of us on the TV it got worse, considering the amount of people who were in the world. We received about ten percent of the population of letters to us.

But we held strong through it as it all happened, we even scheduled a press day to get all of the questions out of the way. It was the first time in a month since I had seen the girls, but with the little rule still playing all I could do was hug them. But they questions they asked were very wide in range from why I love them to what color of room do I prefer.

But the biggest upset to it all was when the press started following the girls, knowing I couldn't exactly be by them, they took the chance to do many things. The followed the girls to school and spied on them, they stalked them pretty much and constantly filmed all of their actions. They held it together but the day I got a phone call about something I snapped.


I was doing the normal as I signed wish forms and filled out forms for donations to the temple, and my own donations to businesses and other places. As I signed what felt like the four hundredth paper as I heard the phone ring.

Anna answered it as usual as I carried on but then I felt a hand on my shoulder as Anna gave me a worried face. She gently gave me the phone then backed up with a scared face, I got a confused look at this as I put the phone to my ear and listened to someone speak.

"Hello this is-." I was cut off by someone shouting into the phone.

"Percy help us right now!" I heard Zoë screamed as I was put on immediate alert mode.

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