4 Finding A New Home

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or any character in this story.

A/N: Hey thanks for the people who reviewed last time I'll try to respond to each one thank you. Thank you to the people who do review this story you have no idea what it means to me. Rated M for Gore, badass fight Scenes, some possible lemons, and harem.


"No say it to him not me." He looked at me and nodded.

"H-hello I'm pewcy." He said in a shy tone while he stuck his hand out for him to shake it.

"Hello Percy... I'm Gabe Ugliano." He said while he shook his hand.




Percy hated going home. Nowadays Sally would have to work late, at least until seven. She had to quit school also, so that she could afford to stay in the house. The credit card that they gave to her when she adopted Percy didn't work, it asks of a password. But she can't figure it out.

Gabe stays home most of the time; he only works on the weekends at the supermarket in down the street. Percy goes to preschool every day; he gets home from it every day at three. He tries to make the walks as long as possible, talking with friends, taking a detour, or even just staying with the teacher's at the school.

He is a lot different from six months ago. He only smiles when people ask him something or when he sees his mom. But he hasn't put on a true smile since six months ago. He's about four feet tall and looks like he swims a lot.

He's lean and even has a two pack. But every day even if it's a hundred degrees out, he always has on a long sleeve shirt and pants. It's to hide the bruises and cuts, no scars yet but he thinks he'll get one sooner or later.

He just got home and stood in front of the door, just waiting and waiting. You could smell the bear and cigars through the door. 'Gabe probably has some of his retarded friends over', he thought. As he opened the door the smell increased tenfold.

You could hear the door hit empty beer cans, as it swung open. As he walked in he could hear Gabe and his friends playing poker, or watching ESPN. He tried to walk by as fast as he could; Gabe spotted him in a heartbeat.

"Hey twerp! What are you doing home so late!? Huh!?" He yelled/spoke without even facing him.

"My teacher had me help clean-up with them." Percy said.

"Uhuh... Well that didn't change the fact that you are late and you know what that means." As he said this his friends got their stuff and left. Knowing full well what was going to happen next. Gabe cracked his knuckles and checked the clock. He had three hours until Sally got home.

You see Sally still can't know that have is beating and is abusing her son. In fact every time she's home Gabe says they're best buds. But if she knew not even half the things Gabe has done to Percy she would leave him.

"Well what will it be? Punching? Whipping? Or my favorite, boiled water?" He said with malice in his voice. You see the thing is Gabe discovered Percy heals in water, and can breathe in it. After he tried to drown him once before when he was punishing him. But he found a way around it with his sick personality.

He found out if the water is boiled it will burn him, scars him while it happens to. But Percy didn't have any scars. That's because every night, when Sally is asleep. Gabe will wake up and take Percy to the bathroom, force his head into the toilet, them throw him in the bath to heal him.

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