62 Final Chapter Or Is It?

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He dove past the empty dams of power into the hole they always poured in, deeper and deeper he went. The temperature kept dropping and dropping as he dove almost unbearable for him but he kept going. He just kept falling and falling as the frost began to gather on his skin, then ice, and more as he fell.

But then he saw a light as he kept going and going, his body quickly becoming a human ice cycle. With the last unfrozen piece of his arm and head he reached for the light and with a second to spare absolute frozenness he slipped into the light. But what he was expecting was not this in the small lighten area was a small stream no larger than his hand.

He stepped closer to it but then he sensed something odd about it like it shouldn't ever be seen with human eyes or any eye by that matter.

"Good job Percy you found what is going to help you win, but with this you become a being that transcends thought itself. A being that is one with all worlds at the same time, this is the river of Chaos of the heart of it all. This small river connects everything in this universe, with its power. But you will be the second being in this universe to be able to use this power."

"So go and kill him end this universe suffering."

As she finished Percy opened his eye to find he was in the same moment of time as Abyss was laughing at him. But know he knew that his words that his will kill Abyss were no long an empty threat.



Abyss couldn't stop laughing as he hunched over as he continued, never in his life had he met someone so funny. He just couldn't believe this weak fool thinks that he can kill the great Abyss, tears of joy just rolled down his cheeks as he laughed at Percy. It was funny to him in every aspect but after his little laughter episode he promised himself to end Percy by breaking his neck.

Meanwhile the gods and humans just watched in tears as their one savior struggled to stand as Abyss was to the side laughing. The humans sacrificed everything they could to give him any boost that he could but it looked to have no effect on him. The gods were crying not just over his struggle but at the loss of seven certain gods.

The whole Olympian council and every Greek god was in tears as they watched, Artemis and the rest be killed before their very eyes. Zeus just seemed to shut off as he crumpled to his knees in tear at the sight of his x-wife and daughter dyeing. Leto, Rhea, Maria, and Sally were all on their knees as well wailing into the nearest persons shoulder at the sight.

All other gods couldn't help but feel as if they lost someone important as well as they all hung their heads down in sadness. But the old seven demigods were yelling at Apollo to teleport them to Percy this second.

"I can't teleport you there." Apollo said in tears and a bruised face as he looked up at Thalia, she had one fist back and on in his shirt collar threating to punch him again. But Nico then came up with Nick and pulled her back letting Apollo crumple to all fours.

"Why just tell us why!" She screamed as Nico just held her back, tears ran through her mascara and smeared her face at the loss of her mistress and her best friends. Annabeth held onto Nick and cried in his shoulder as Jason and Reyna just seemed to stare blankly at him. Leo hadn't said a word as he sat on the ground working on something with lighting speed.

But he just kept reassembling something and disassembling it over and over again, showing he was in a very stressed and sad move. Calypso just leaned on his back as she slowly reached over and stopped his hands from moving. Both then looked at each other and began to cry as Frank held Hazel in a protective hug, as she cried in his shirt.

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