26 Story Time, Darkness, Prophecys

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson

A/N: If you're wondering I do most my work over the weekends so that's why they come out faster on them. Also remember to review my story I also passed 46,000 views which I think is a lot, so congrats to you for viewing my story. (Team USA Olympics)


"Percy we understand you come from a very shady background before Poseidon found you, but we are aware that no mere normal demigod form any god could to that in battle. Not even one of the big three demigods display that much power in battle, all we ask is that you tell us the truth." I could feel Artemis get wide eyed and look at me, same with Hestia in the Hearth as she watched.

Zeus looked at Hera as she nodded at what he said; my guess is she forced him to not blow me up since I was such an important asset to them. But with every breath I made I could Zeus's hand twitch like I was going to explode like a bomb, everyone else also looked on edge ready to attack me all except Hestia, Artemis, and Hera for some reason.

"I guess it is time I told you." I sighed, I looked at Hestia for a second like this is going to take a long time. She then summoned me a chair which I took gratefully and sat down ready to begin my long story.

"Well it all began in 1960 when my mother decided to finally have a child."


Over the story many of the Olympians showed many mixed emotions, for precautions they had Hestia take all the godly weapons while I told the story. I didn't tell them who my mom was or who I currently loved, or I would be dust regardless. When I told them who my real father was no one said a word as they looked at Poseidon with questions in their eyes. When I got to the part when my planet was attacked they were surprised seeing that they never thought other planets with life existed.

I still hadn't mentioned my mom just who I had met I like to keep the biggest surprises for last. When I told them I was actually born in 1961 and was it took over 35 years to transport me here most of the demigods looked at Bianca who was smiling since she wasn't the only demigod to traverse time.

But when I mentioned getting blessed by Eros god of procreation and everything else to do with love, not a minor blessing either his full blessing they kind of flipped like when I told them Order the one of the original creators had adopted me.

"It makes so much sense now!" Aphrodite shouted as they all were yelling at me for answers, they didn't seem to notice.

"You met the god of procreation." Said Athena with a look for knowledge in her eye, just like Annabeth who was sitting at the step of her throne.

"Well yes and no, it was kind of like how Order made me his son like Poseidon did. I never really met him but he I do remember talking to him once, but I never actually met him. But my mother said he gave me his full blessing with a little something extra, she said it is supposed to activate when I turn sixteen in two years seeing as my birthday was a couple of days ago." I finished her eyes died down in disappointment.

"Then what about Order what about his blessing?" Asked Zeus with a surprising calm look on his face.

"His blessing was of the strongest to birth is he adopted me as I said but I still can use his powers for some reason. But as you see my features in my eyes match every blessing I have received so far." I finished he just nodded.

As there were no more questions I continued on with my story about when I was with my mother adoptive mother Sally. But all the female gods started to cry when I mentioned my abuse full life of every detail, Hestia had to calm me down as I remembered the past. Once the females calmed down I continued, about how I was living with Artemis or really stalking them for a couple of years until they found me when I battle the monster army.

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