3 The First 4 Years

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or any character in this story.

A/N: Hey thanks for the people who reviewed last time I'll try to respond to each one thank you. Thank you to the people who do review this story you have no idea what it means to me. Rated M for Gore, badass fight Scenes, some possible lemons, and harem.


After 36 years of waiting I finally felt Eros touch down on earth. As I watched the scenes unfold over the past week, I was very surprised how kind Sally was to him. I knew that she was going to be a great mother, even though her complications of trying to have children before.

But what totally caught me off guard was that she was the lover of Poseidon. I smiled at what he did for her though, that baby room was genius. After his gift I thought I would also give her a gift, so to help her bond with Percy deepen so I gave her breasts the ability to lactate. I think she will find this very useful in the future. After she finished with the screen she felt that HE was coming to the planet.

"I'll see you soon ABYSS."




After a week of having Percy everything was getting easier, and breast feeding doesn't hurt anymore. It actually kind of feels good when he feeds; I think I'm looking forward to it more than he does sometimes. But one thing worries me, since Poseidon's IM me last time I've noticed that there were Cyclops patrolling the area.

He was serious when he said he would keep me safe, and every time I'm outside Percy just wrinkles his nose when they pass. They just nod their heads like they are respecting a prince.

Percy is already really good at playing with his toys. He shows no signs of ADHD or dyslexia like any other demigod, which is strange for any demigod, even for Athena's children. But he still has movements like a battle ready person even if he is only 3 weeks old.

So last night was I getting my self-dinner but I burned my hand on the stove, it was really bad but I couldn't do much about it other than ice it. But when I was breast feeding Percy I think he saw it reached out to touch it. Begin the loving mother I am I let him touch it even though it hurt, but something else happened.

When he touched it started to sting a little, but at the same time it started to heal itself rapidly. After about thirty seconds of this, he let go and started sucking again. But what amazed me was that it was completely healed, like it never happened, no scar, nothing. It even got rid of my sore wrist.

To say I was amazed was an understatement I just kept staring at it for a while until I felt Percy burp in my arms. 'Man he likes to breast feed, son like father *wink*.'


Well since we've been patrolling the middle of the US we've run across: six groups of campers from both Roman and Greek, several packs of hellhounds, a group of giants, a kindly one, and one group of those half goat half vampire things I care not to remember. They were eating a male so we let them then we killed them.

But right now I'm so bored, we have nothing to do, even my hunters are showing signs of it. So I decided I would pay a visit to uncle to give us some game. I tossed a drachma into the mist; I was by a waterfall at the time.

"Oh Iris take this offering and show me Hades." For a minute it just said connecting then finally connected.

"Why hello Artemis! What can I do for my favorite niece?" His voice was dipped in heavy sarcasm. I didn't have time for this.

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