50 The Revival Of Many, Gaea's Life, & Love

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"165 demigods, 65 Greeks and 100 roman losses." She said quietly as the silence grew throughout the crowd. But I couldn't let this go on they needed their live and futures, I looked at Hades as he nodded to me.

"Everyone step back from me, Alpha come here. I need a ten foot circle around me with nobody in it. Don't get behind me either or you will regret it you got that!" I yelled as they obeyed me, I sat down in the middle as I pushed two of my powers to their max. Alpha reattached to me as I sat down sucking energy from him as I needed it.

"Percy what are you doing?" Hades asked as I opened one eye to look at him.

"Changing timelines of the dead, so they never died." I said to him as he gaped at me.

"Percy that is impossible, the fates won't let you do as you please." He said to me.

"I want to see them try." I said as I encased the whole battle area in Kings Room.

"This is going to suck." I said one last time before I dove into the timelines of the dead demigods.



As Percy closed his eyes people around him stepped back as suddenly a golden aura surrounded him. In suddenly in the space were they cleared out behind in something flickered into existence, it was a demigod who looked around to see what was happening.

"Pollus?" A girl said teary eyed as she ran forward and tackled him, suddenly more and more demigods started popping up in the area. The others were crying in joy as Percy worked his magic, beads of sweat ran down his face as he was using massive amounts of power from every domain to work this.

"Percy, it's okay takes some of our energy also." Artemis said sitting with the other five holding hands, Percy felt a small weight lifted off his shoulders as he started again.

The golden aura spread from Percy to the others as they could feel the power they had being drained as he worked.

"Mommy what is he doing?" Acacia asked as Athena stood amazed at what was happening, Poseidon had his mouth open as more and more demigods started popping up in the area.

"H-He is controlling time, he is taking the demigods from their time lines right before they died and is placing them in this time. He is not reviving them he is just making it so they never died." Athena stood as Acacia thought about it.

"But doesn't that cost a lot of power mommy?" She asked again.

"Yes it does massive amounts of energy, I am amazed he has already brought back this many." She said as she spotted another one of her daughters come back alive.

"Does that mean Percy is really strong?" She asked.

"Yes it does, he is stronger than even the primordials all combine are. He is setting a wall that no one will probably ever pass except for him, what he is doing is showing how strong he really is." Poseidon said picking her up and putting her on his shoulder.

"What wall?" She asked, he couldn't help but chuckle as she asked so many question.

"One that people will strive for, people will train and grow stronger to become like him." He said as she nodded as her last question was answered.

The people just watched as demigods one by one that were once dead just popped up perfectly fine in front of them. But the six watched Percy totally drained as he took almost all of their power, Artemis hid it well but she was beyond tired. She felt like she could take another two week long sleep to be at tip top shape again.

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