27 Bianca's Bow & The Date

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson

A/N: If you're wondering I do most my work over the weekends so that's why they come out faster on them. Also remember to review my story I also passed 50,000 views which I think is a lot, so congrats to you for viewing my story.


"So anything new Arte-." I was cut off by Thalia bursting through the doors and grabbing Artemis into a hug, we were all so confused by this point.

"Artemis I thought of a way to get out of the great prophecy." She said Artemis just smiled, I just wondered for a second until I saw Thalia glow and have a silver hunters outfit on.

"Wait what did you do?" I asked.

"I just got her from the prophecy, it states that a child of the big three when they turn sixteen the war between the Gods and Titans will start again. Thalia just prevented that war by accepting to become immortal of never ageing." I just nodded.

"Okay so does that mean I'm the next candidate then?" They all frozen and looked at me at their realization.

"Yeah it does mean that Percy, looks like you just got put in first for the great prophecy."

NOW: (year and a half later.)


I was going to Poseidon's today to talk about just stuff like any father and son would, I was currently flying over the Pacific Ocean with my water wings. I found each wing is much more powerful in the presence of their type, so I decided water would be appropriate. Artemis, Hestia, Bianca, and Zoë were currently helping in with the defense of Olympus after my dream with Kronos in it.


I was currently just back from the underworld as Nick had dunked himself in the Styx river, Hades being himself didn't take to kindly to it. Nico was with him trying to convince hades not to attack him, the kid had grown a good four inched to about five four now for his 12 year old self. Hades doesn't exactly ask much of me anymore just take care of his daughter, or he will torture me himself in the fields of punishment.

But when I touched down I was met by Bianca who was currently staying with me at my camp, I found out that demigods take to me more kindly if there is a women with me. So Artemis gave her a break from the hunters to stay with me, Bianca still hasn't taken the whole love thing strongly. We have yet to even kiss but she seems fine with Zoë, Hestia, or Artemis when it comes to it though. But I don't know how long she can resist this (gestures to self in a funny manor) for so long.

"Hey Percy so how was the underworld." She asked as I tucked back in my wings, I have been practicing with my Domains overnight latterly. So I am in my night for with all the darkness around me, almost a pitch black blotch in the world.

"Good saw a kid jump in the Styx, your little brother, and your dad other than that it was good." I said taking off my hood and deactivating the domain. Unlike the gods I can choose to activate and deactivate my domains, not have them constantly on like normal gods.

"You saw Nico, how was he?" She asked sitting by me, with eagerness.

"I say I saw a kid jump in the Styx and your first question is about your brother, you cease to amaze me Bianca. Yeah he was good got a little taller but he still has his dark emo look to him, but I think he is to skinny he looked like he was made of just bones." I told her she frowned.

"I told him last week when I visited that if he wanted to get Thalia's attention more he needed to beef up a little." She told me, to be truthful that kid was as easy to read as a book for children.

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