52 Abyss's Trick & Mortals Are Not Alone

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"What thing?" She asked as I decided to tell her.

"About my children, I know you guys want them but I want to wait until I am at least 18 is that okay with you?" I asked her as she thought about it.

"I wouldn't mind waiting a few more years but you better promise me that I will get your first children." She said that made me chuckle.

"Don't worry I will let you have the first ones I promise on my name." I said as I felt the promise become real.

"Alright but when will abyss get here?" She asked as I thought about it.

"Two years to one and a half depends, but I can feel something else coming before he gets here something that will change this world forever. Something that he made himself and sent here like a curse but it is just a gut feeling I don't know if it will happen." I said as she looked at me with her silver eyes.

"It's okay Percy you have us so don't worry we will keep you safe." She said snuggling closer as I felt exhaustion finally taking over, even the creator needs sleep every now and then.

"I am sure you will." I said as I drifted off into a darkness that I controlled.




I stood in front of a crater twenty feet wide and a ten feet deep, the object that landed in it was still smoking as it cooled off in the Earth's atmosphere. I sensed the item about two days ago as I was hanging out with the hunters in my forest by over old Olympus. The strange thing is that it just popped out of nowhere as it sailed down to the earth.

I came alone as the six were passed out sleeping on my bed, we occasionally have some fun time but last night was a no no as all of the girls were on their periods. I still made it through the week with only one slap and one small breakdown, I think that because they are gods and demigods it decreases their emotional stability more than a human women.

But I stuck through it as I created ice cream and chocolate for them with my powers as they had their moments. Currently they are going to all watch the notebook later today so I made precautions and summoned a fridge full of sweets and craving foods that they loved.

Hera was popcorn covered in hot sauce, Piper was chili fries with extra cheese, Zoë was chocolate cake with vanilla icing, Artemis was all kinds of fruit dipped in chocolate and vanilla, Hestia was mashed potatoes and gravy my own recipe so she couldn't summon it, and Bianca was blueberry muffins with a light coating of powdered sugar and chocolate syrup.

I had made sure to stock the shelves with the desired treats and some chick flicks ready to play; I made the house temperature high and lots of blankets for them. They always got cold in these times; even Khione, Fangs wife, and Tia were synced with them. Fang had planned a day with her and Orthos had done the same as me as he took the three children they had for the day.

Khione was supposed to spend the day with the girls and her favorite comfort dish is ice-cream of any flavor. But she likes it cold so she is staying her room with the temperature below freezing, but watching chick flicks of course. But to put it simply for the men it was a hassle and we put up with it, but back to me.

I stood by the crater as I walked down towards it, as I got closer I noticed that the back was open. It was about the size of a small missile and was completely black; as I got closer I noticed an all too familiar symbol that I remember seeing in one of my dreams. It was a capital A for Abyss; I looked over it with my powers to find nothing explosive on it as I looked closer and inside was a note.

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