76 Ride Home, Hunters Reactions, My Watch

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In the matter of three second I and Diana were wide awake using the same bed sheet to cover our genitals. Diana had to use more so I settled for just enough to cover my legs and crotch while she was using the bed for more cover as I stood up. Thalia just stood mouth wide open at us amazed at what she was seeing.

Diana just stayed silent as she peeked over the bed as I stood to her left with a little bit of the sheets around my waist. Thalia just slowly backed up and left the room the next thing we heard was 3 nocks.

"Percy Diana you guys in their Thalia just kept mumbling something about you guys what's wrong?" It was Elizabeth as she didn't even wait for us to answer as she opened the door and was immediately taken aback from the smell.

"My gods what is that." She said as she found us in the same spot we were when Thalia left.

"Oh is she was she was stuck on, well Diana please come here." She said as Diana got up slowly and walked slowly over to Elizabeth, she kind of looked scared of her hunter for a minute.

"We will talk about this in our room, Percy turn around and go get a shower okay." She said like a mother as I nodded and quickly ran to the bathroom.

"Now Diana come with me and we will talk about this okay." She said serious as I listened in, an argument sounded not possible in her tone.

"Okay." Diana said as I heard the door open and close as tried to think what possibly could go worse this point.


I sat by Thalia who was put in charge of watching me as we traveled back on what I called a hyper train. Apparently every continent that has friendships has this magical train that activates under is surface. It make for quick an easy travel for senators and other important things that can't be robbed or destroyed by marauders.

As I sat in the very uncomfortable silence Diana and Elizabeth were whispering at each other about me and Diana's night. I was currently in lock down as Diana silently yelled at Elizabeth as Thalia was still in a stupor of surprise. Before we left Elizabeth got on my ass about what me and Diana just did.


"God you two just had to do it didn't you!" She yelled at us we were both dressed and sitting in their room as we got yelled at by her.

"You had an oath Diana you just can't simply break those okay, sure I am fine with you two kissing but having sex no! God how in the hell is the hunt going to take this?" She asked herself as we both sat by each other looking down as Elizabeth paced back and forth.

"Well-." She raised her hand silencing me.

"No you don't have a clue do you I am the only one in the whole hunt who is actually okay with Diana getting in a relationship. The hunt is going to tear you apart Percy for defiling Diana!" She yelled at me.

"But we don't have to tell them don't we?" Asked Diana.

"Ha your funny, I want you to try and keep that thought as you look at all the hickies on your body and neck including your legs and arms." She said as Diana looked down to find a couple dozen hickies on her arms and legs.

"You know when I was washing you I counted a total of 237 hickies all over your body okay, that is not something you can just hide!" She yelled at me this time as Diana just blushed.

"Well..." I tried but couldn't think of anything.

"I think the best option here is to come clean with the hunters and accept their punishment." Elizabeth said shaking her head and rubbing her temples.

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