38 Khione's Choice, Hera's Throne, New Love

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Demeter, Mr. D, Ares, and Aphrodite they all turned to see a unhappy me as they ruined my day with their bullshit.

"Percy your back since when?" Asked a nervous Zeus who looked like me showing up was kind of a good thing.

"Since today and, why is it so gloomy outside, god I feel like I just can't catch a break around here. So what is wrong this time, did Artemis finally castrate Apollo?" I asked him as he squirmed in his chair.

"No and Hera was kidnapped a couple of weeks ago we are pressed for time we estimate she only has so long left, look at her seat." Hades said as I did and noticed it looked horrible, cracks ran over it and some things had fallen off then I looked at Zeus.

"Why wasn't I notified?" I asked him pissed that they didn't tell me right off the bat.

"Because my brother thought Hera his know x-wife didn't need the hero of Olympus's help." Hades said again as Zeus sank lower into his chair.

"But Hera did something that involved both camps as well." Demeter said as the other nodded.

"Tell me then I will see what I have to do, but please start with what she is doing with both camps." I said summoning a chair in the middle of the room; it was a normal black chair for a human as I sat down.

"Well it all started about when you left."


They finally finished with the story of how it all went down to put it simply a lot of shit happened and they thought it would be okay to just leave me out of it. In total five major things happened in the last six months, the first one being I think probably the best out of them all was Hera had finally divorced Zeus.

Because the Styx was in a good mood the most she did for divorcing him after swearing to be married to him of eternity was she had split ends in her hair for a day. Apparently she had been waiting for this to happen for so long that is about what she could come up with for her, Zeus on the other hand was a lot different.

She had made the king of the gods have some pretty serious punishments, the first one being that he couldn't touch a woman for two years unless she would add to the curse. The second was that every pair of underwear he put on was instantly turned to a diaper for a totally of sixty years. Yeah I think the Styx was on Hera's decision this time and I was happy for her, Zeus is a total dick.

But all in all it was a good decision for her in the end and to my analysis it happened much quicker than I thought it would. Demeter won a bet with Hades about it too from what I heard at least, but in the end that was number one of exciting things to happen when I was gone.

Number two was that Hera had switched both of the Roman and Greek camp leaders, which were Jason Grace and Nick Wellington. Currently Jason was on a mission with two other demigods who were Piper Mclean and Leo Valdez.

They currently already went to camp half blood and settled in, apparently Annabeth is Nick's girlfriend now and she is still searching for him. I guess Athenians have a thing for Poseidon and his kids nowadays, Nick still has to be found but I have a good guess where he is right about now.

The Third thing is Hera is currently been captured by monsters and is being used as a power factory for one of the giants, which made me surprisingly mad. But currently Jason and his quest members are going to go rescue her but they aren't in the best of shape and are on their way to the place right know as I listened. That is why her throne of power isn't in the best of shape right now, so I am worried about her at the time.

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