14 Wall Banging And Part of the legion

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson


"Percy is that you open up!" Tracy screamed at the door. No response was heard as the banging continued.

"Artemis you have to open the door with magic, its locked and we can't open it from this side." Zoë said in a worried tone yanking at the door handle.

"Okay step back and cover your eyes this instant." She said.

They both did as they were told and covered their eyes, the instant they both did they felt a hot feeling as Artemis turned into her divine form. She blasted the door into the room blowing it inward and warping the metal, Artemis instantly turned back into her normal form and walked in the sight she was me with made her puke right on the spot.



I wiped my face after I finished hurling my guts out, even a goddess who hunts and sees blood and guts regularly this was something else. Blood was dripping from all the walls almost like it was just painted a dark red pain. Some fragments of metal were thrown throughout the room like splinters from a broken board. The wall Percy was still punching had hundreds of dents from his fists constantly punching it in his rage.

The room smelled rotten from the blood everywhere in the room, it also smelled of something else but I couldn't put my finger on it. Percy's arms were a sight I will never forget in all my immortal life, I have seen many things in my long life but this one was something entirely different. His hoodie was off in the corner in a pile with his shirt, the blood seemed to flow to the hoodie like it was a magnet for it.

But the sight that made me puke was Percy's arms; they didn't even look like arms even more. There was no skin or muscle on his hands. Each bone looked cracked and broken but seemed to hold together, his forearms had both bones protruding from the skin. But the thing was that there was more than one of the same bone protruding, signifying that the bones healed and he just broke them again and again. He looked horrible; blood drenched his upper body as he continued smashing away at the wall.

Tracy and Zoë just ran up and tried to stop Percy from what he was doing; each one grabbed an arm but was thrown off by him with ease. They didn't even faze him as they both hit the opposite wall of where he was punching; even if he was eleven he had the strength of a monster. The wall was a good two feet bent outward from the punching as he continued.

"Percy stop!" Zoë yelled as she tried to get up.

No response from him as he screamed random words at the wall as he continued, that's when I caught sight of his eyes. Instead of the normal calm flame of black and white, they looked completely black and life less. As I studied his eyes he punched with his right arm against the metal wall, with a sickening snap another bone sprouted from his right forearm adding to the others. The flesh sprayed blood all over to his right but stopped immediately as the flesh mended together and healed around the bone.

His arm was slack as he stopped for a second panting in exhaustion, his arm suddenly gained tension as you could see the new bone inside form. I vomited again at this sight so did Tracy, but Zoë held it together only putting her hand to her mouth. I ran forward and turned into my fourteen year old self, I wrapped both my arms around Percy's torso. I had to use my godly strength to hold him in place as he struggled to get free of my grip.

"Percy you need to stop! Look at what you're doing to yourself!" I yelled in his ear as he struggled and screamed.

"NO LET GO OF ME!" he screamed in his rage.

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