81 The Real Monster, Time, New Family

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"You know after hearing it for some reason I don't feel afraid, I guess something really far away sounded off. I guess it is just instincts." I said as she nodded.

"So the reason I called you down here to talk is one reason only." She said as I raised an eyebrow.

"Milady...no Diana I was wondering if you and Percy were using protection." She said as a golden blush hit me like a slap as I coughed a little.

"What why are you asking this of course we do, highly potent magic that keeps me from conceiving. God why would you ask that?" I blurted out as I heard someone scamper from the door in embarrassment with a lot of others.

"Good that got our crowd to go away." She said as I gave her a questioning look.

"You did that to just tease me." I said as she nodded.

"Yes I did and if you will can you put up a barrier." She said as I did making the room sound proof.

"What is it that I need to put up a barrier for?" I asked her.

"Milady I am pregnant."



I was stunned as the words came from her mouth, I just blinked a couple of times and looked around. Elizabeth just sat there as thoughts raced across my mind, finally it hit me her oath.

"H-how?" I asked her.

"I finally met the one." She said with a smile as her oath was in the green at that.

"You mean you finally met your true love?" I asked her excited a little I wasn't alone.

"Yeah Percy introduced us." She said while messing with her said.

"That man." I said as she laughed.

"Well if you are pregnant and I can't believe my powers didn't pick up on it." I said.

"Well Percy did say he would help me keep it a secret from you guys." She said.

"Next time I see him I need to hit him." I said as she laughed again.

"Also since you are pregnant I cannot allow you on this mission, as soon as we land I will send you back home regardless of what you say." I said as her eyes went wide.

"Milady you need me out there, I am the most skilled in the hunt!" She tried.

"My word is final I cannot risk a child's life who has no say in this event, you will go home and that is final. But don't worry you will still help, you will be in charge of communications." I said as she tried to think of something.

"But milady-." I stopped her.

"There are no buts in this conversation you are carrying for two now, and I do not want to deliver the news to the father that his soon to be wife and child were killed in battle." I said as she looked down in defeat.

"When you get back you two are getting married by the way you have my blessing." I said as she looked up with a smile on her face.

"Well I would have liked it if you were there but..." She said.

"Oh don't worry once Venus is out of the way and Poseidon holds control over her country the wedding will happen so the hunt can be there. Also we can't forget Percy so I guess you have a couple of years to plan for it." I said.

"You are right...I will go back and help out however I can." She said as I smiled.

"In the mean time you need to rest okay." I said as she nodded.

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