88 Last Day, Mark The Monster, Chaos

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"Are you my Zoë or are you some figment of this dream?" I asked her as she turned to me to find she had on snow goggles on that had an orange tint to the lens.

"Oh don't you worry I am your Zoë but this I my part in the shard dream, you have no idea how hard it is not to get up and kiss you right now." She said with a smile as she turned back to the trail we were going on.

"Were are we going then Miss Hunter and why am I a prince?" I asked her as she snickered a little.

"Miss Hunter I like it but I think Mrs. Jackson is better, and you are a prince of the kingdom of Arendelle." She said as I had to think about it for a second.

"Wait don't tell me."

"Yep you got it right and Khione is the unruly ice queen that built a castle of ice on top of a mountain." She said with a smile and a peck on my cheek as I stood stunned.

"You got to be kidding me." I said as she shook her head as I heard the howl of the wolves.

"Nope." She said popping the 'p'.

"I am living the life of that movie frozen, who would have guessed." I said as I turned around to see the wolves moving in quick.


After a decently short chase given by the wolves, a cliff, and me throwing Zoë on a wolf that was just Tia with reindeer antlers on her head. We were trekking through the snow as I stayed perfectly warm with my magic jacket of amazingness. Zoë was freezing her butt off as she road on Tia's back like a horse.

"How much longer?" She asked me teeth chattering away.

"I don't know you are supposed to be the guide here." I said looking at Zoë currently as deep in her winter coat as she could. With her goggles sitting on her face as she tried to gain warmth from Tia's coat of silk like fur.

"I don't know but I need to get warm and how in the hell are you still warm?" She asked as we kept trekking through the knee high snow as a blizzard raged on around us. A rope was the only thing I had to lead Tia through the snow.

"My jacket remember gift from my mom to keep my whole body the right temperature always when I have it on." I said as I spotted a nice cave I hope wasn't home to anything.

"I found a cave let's hope it lead somewhere that isn't as cold." I said as I lead Tia over to the cave.

As I entered the cave Zoë jumped down from the wolf's back and followed me as we walked deeper in it. As we walked we found it wasn't a cave but a tunnel. But just as a precaution I lit a fire for Zoë to warm up at before we went out the other side.

"So how is life on the outside?" She asked me as Tia made a nice back rest that we used as the fire I made burnt just enough to warm us but not quiet big enough to make it uncomfortable.

"You make it sound like you're in prison." I said to her.

"That's what it feels like if you ask me." She said scooting closer to me, as she gently rested her head on my shoulder taking off the hood and her goggles. As I looked at her I just smiled as her black hair was long and her facial features were almost delicate in a sense. Her volcanic black eyes staring at the fire as the shadows danced around us.

"Look at it this way you over half the way there." I said as I smelled her intoxicating sent.

"Yeah but that still doesn't make me feel any better." She said looking at me as her black eyes met my universe one.

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