33 One Long day

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"Also one other thing but don't tell your mom okay." She nodded as I put my hand on her arm and I felt Eternal bonds hum and little then I let go. On her right deltoid in her arm was a tattoo of a stag with a black circle around it, it seemed alive as the details seemed to move a little. She smiled as she looked at it.

"Something to remember me by." I said kissing her forehead and standing up, she blushed a bright golden blush as I lay her back down. I n a minute she was out and asleep.

I walked outside to see Leto asleep and I smiled I carried her inside and lay her next to a sleeping Artemis, they both cuddled as they fell asleep. I walked outside again to the end to the dock and sat down watching the last shreds of light come from the sunset.

"Well this is goodbye." I whispered as the last sunlight disappeared signaling the end of my third day, with a bright golden flash that none seemed to notice I was gone. As I left I felt the memories of the gods I had humiliated of me be deleted and the memories of Hestia and Artemis lock away, Leto had sworn on the Styx no to tell Artemis about me of what I had done unless I told her to, but I knew as I flew through darkness back to my time that the two would remember the events that happened over the past few days.

"See you in the future Artemis." I said the darkness fully consumed me.


I felt my body jolt as I was slammed into it from my dream; I blinked a couple of time and coughed once or twice. My body was asleep but on its way to being awake, but when I looked around me I noticed that I wasn't in my bed or for in fact the ground. I was in between three trees that spiral around each other trapping me inside; the leaves were so thick I could not see through them as I tried to move my body. After about a minute I managed to gain full control over my limbs again, I could tell it was morning as I managed to squeeze out from the trees into the waiting wilderness.

That is when I know something was wrong I wasn't at camp I used my senses to find it, after a quick run I found camp well what remained of it. The tents were torn and scorched, there were signs of a battle as arrows lay on the ground and monster dust covered the ground. My thoughts raced for answers as I called out the hunter's names searching for them or even bodies. To my relief I found no bodies as I searched around camp some more, but I noticed something that couldn't have been the hunters or monsters.

Giant sword slashed and spears jabs were in the ground some stray golden arrow lay around to, it must have been the titans is was I thought as I gathered my stuff and summoned my backpack. My tent was unharmed as it self-folded and put itself away, suddenly I heard my name.

"Percy is that you?" I turned to see shay but she looked different from her normal self she looked greener like skin tone and had on her hunter's uniform still.

"Shay what happened here?" I asked coming closer to her, she just ran up and hugged me.

"It all happened so fast Percy they attacked in the night, but don't worry they all made it out safe." She said crying a little but then I noticed her ears, instead of their normal human shape they were pointed like a nymphs it all made sense.

"Shay what happened to you?" I asked her she looked down.

"I was moving your boy from the camp to hide you somewhere but as I ran back to camp I got hit by an arrow. It was poisoned and I ran back to where I hid you, but the poison was stronger than I thought and was killing me. I was about to die when my mother took pity on me so she made me into a tree nymph." She finished making an example by making a plant grow a little.

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