16 Abyss Sucks and A Fruitful Day

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson


Percy isn't a god or primordial, the domains are just placed on him until he can use them. At the time he can just use his born powers and blessings he has received, he can't use any power from the domains. So you will find out partially why the primordials did it, so just a recap Percy is not a god he is a demigod okay.


"Okay then we must get to Olympus, father is probably going to pissed we were late. Hestia, go first I will follow right behind with Percy." She nodded and flashed out, but I noticed Percy had his eyes open as she did.

"Wait you can view our divine forms?" I asked amazed.

"Yeah I guess you could say that, but let me tell you. But don't hurt me; you look beautiful when you are in your divine form." He said with pure honesty in his voice.

I didn't feel like hurting him for saying that, normally I would turn him into a jackolope and chase him with my bow. But I blushed slightly and punched him in the arm slightly.

"I will let this slide this time, we must hurry the council is waiting for us." I grabbed his arm and flashed without notice, knowing he was going to be fine.

'I wonder what father is going to do since Percy finally got his job?' was my final thought.



I sat on my new throne new throne with my new slave at my side, inside my dome of grey my body emitted she still had pigment to me skin. I had just told my other slaves to go clean up the mess I left behind in the teleportation room. I sat in the largest throne in the empty throne room, well almost empty except for one person. All the thrones had turned gray almost as if there was no one to sit in them anymore.

I was just thinking about how I killed the primordials later today.


I walked flew past the last of Orders barriers with easy as I reached the vacation planet of the primordials. As I got closer in noticed a mass of space battleships port side to me, in an instant the space between me and them was lit up with soundless explosions. I easy dodge ones that got to me as I got to the first ship I used my power and ran right through the middle of the hull. In a couple of second the ship ignited and exploded in a ball of flame.

"So much for chaos's greatest army." I said to myself as I continued on destroying ships.

After about two hours only one ship remained but it was about five times the size of all the others. It was the commanders ship it had Chaos's symbol on the side, it was by far the most advanced of them all. As I closed in something different launched from the top and bottom of the vessel, as they approached I stopped for a second to find out what it was. In an instant something shot out of the four projectiles and surrounded me.

In a second I was surrounded by a super heavy elastic rubber substance, it stopped me for a mere second until I finally started using my power. As the power shot from me the ship stood no chance at it started to disintegrate from the power I that came off me. Once the ship was gone I stopped and floated into the atmosphere. As the gravity pulled me into orbit the flames felt a little warm, but nothing compared to the heat of the suns I was consumed by. Thanks to Order.

I aimed for the capital were I knew all the gods and primordials would be, once I came close to the ground I slammed into it with the force the gravity propelled me with. I slowly climbed out of my man made crater I made, I looked around briefly to see if anyone was waiting for me. To my surprise no one was as I started to walk through the small street trying to find a sign of life. Just as I was walking I felt a power I was all to use to.

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