70 Animal Form, Mating Season, Truth

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"What ever happened to the boy I found 11 years ago." I said as she laughed.

"I just came out of my shell, and I have grown close to the hunt they are my family including you." He said sitting down after his clothes shifted to his normal jacket and a pair of shorts.

"So you think that gives you the right to what you did to me last night?" I asked him.

"Absolutely it was a friendly jester on my part and you accepted it. If a hunter would ask me of it I would do the same thing." He said like it was a walk in the park.

"You are unbelievable." I said as he smiled, by this time I had magically put on the bra that fit me perfectly. But with a moment to spare he came over picked me up and set me on his shoulder just like a little kid. I am 5' 8" so I am mid-sized but to him I am short.

"Off we go." He said as he walked to the door with me on shoulder.

"I wonder what the hunters are going to say." I said to him.

"Mostly likely what happened last night and why we don't have a fine from the inspector, then they will get onto why you are on my shoulder." He said confidently as he pulled me off his shoulder so I wouldn't his the door.

"Well time to see if you are right." I said as he opened the door and in flooded the light.



As I walked out the door the light suddenly stopped and then started again like a flash light, but it only took my eyes a second to adjust what was going on. It was lighting and a lot of it, it covered the sky as it light it up like morning. The sky was dark and cloudy otherwise, but as I looked around I noticed some of the tents were toppled over and crushed.

"What happened here?" I asked myself out load as Diana looked around for someone, but not a hunter was in sight. As I looked around it brought back memories of the time the hunt was kidnapped which made me angry.

"Diana this is going to hurt for a second." I said as I suddenly jabbed my finger in both her outer thighs, she let out an eep but I set her down and she could walk now.

"What did you do?" She asked moving her already stretched and loose legs.

"Just made it so you could walk again, I normally don't do it because it hurts the patient." I said as I started to expand my bubble of senses farther and farther.

"I found the hunters they are...surrounding something." I said as I tuned in on their position a mile away.

"It looks to be the size of a dump truck maybe larger." I said as I opened my eyes to see Diana was gone already running in the direction of the hunt.

"Well then." I said as I began to run after her. After a few minutes I stopped outside the area the hunt was battling a monster that was bigger than I thought.

"What is that?" I asked myself as it let out a roar I was all too familiar with.

"Nemean lion great." I said as I ran to the hunters, just then a bolt of lightning struck its fur coat, I turned to see Thalia raining down bolt on it but it seemed to have no effect whatsoever.

"Damn he is tough." Thalia said as she tried to stand up but failed as she was almost out of energy.

"Thalia get back and recharge." Elizabeth said as she stood guard in front of her, as she nodded and used a silver spear to use as a cane as she sat down a watched. One of the other hunters also came over and from what I could tell was refilling her energy.

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