54 School For All, Long Day, Deserts First

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"Yes I do, now don't freak out but Hera finally submitted our papers for our wedding. It's in six months and it in your temple with everyone in there even mortals." She squealed as I stopped flying for a second as I just floated in place.

I remember when I proposed to them on a faithful date several weeks ago, but that is a story for another time. But Hera finally got the papers to Aphrodite which meant she would probably drop everything for the next six months to get everything perfect.

"That is amazing its incredible I don't know what to say, Artemis do the others know?" I asked as she nodded.

"What about your family?" I asked.

"Yep everyone knew expect you, even Maria Hades wife knew about it before you." She said as I just smiled.

"All six of us are getting married Percy." She said as I just wanted to hug her.

"Yeah we are I can't wait there is so much to do." I said as I floated.

"Yes there is now, go get yourself cleaned off so we can have a nice dinner at your place." She said as she swiped her hand through the message.

"I am getting married." I repeated one last time as I teleported to the sun for my usual sun bath.



As I took my little bath and finished it reappeared in my usual spot outside of US 2, I dropped into the ocean and watched the water boil. Poseidon had made it so this area in an orange net thing remained void of fish so I wouldn't kill any of them. As I sat afloat and watched the water cool me off my mind raced.

I can't believe the papers were finally signed and submitted for the wedding, I was so excited I nearly lost myself as I began to sink in the water. Once I was completely cooled off I started to swim to the shore of one of the many fake beaches. As I swam up my armor changed from it battle style to its bathing suit.

Which consisted of just swimming trunks no shirt and a perfect tan I always had, I had to admit it even though I became the creator I looked smoking hot. My body was perfectly ripped no fat and defined like no other; I was tall and kind of normal shoulder width. But I had the perfect swimmers body, also all of my scars were gone and my tattoos remained.

My roman one kept adding lines every year so far I was up to thirteen and so was my other tattoo I got from the hunter. But my roman one changed from its very intricate design to a simple strait up and down line that curved inwards on the end and outward on the middle. It was white and simple but it had a great significance here.

The line of the creator they called it, since my armor had it on the front it became a symbol of destruction and hope to everyone. But also I still had the gem in my arm but this time it was three times the size of my arm. It had black see-through crystal all around it until you reached the very middle about the size of a golf ball it had a crystal that had every color on it in a perfect sphere.

I like to think of it symbolizing my power over everything, also on the outside of it was the line that ran top to bottom on the smooth oval gem planted in my shoulder. As I stepped on the beach my black hair seemed to go back to its original untamed-ness, it still had the white streak in it from holding the sky.

Oh almost forgot about Atlas yeah he is still in America holding the sky, but I made it so he could walk and the sky would always remain on his shoulders unless taken by someone else. So he is out romancing the empty city's and streets seeing the world for the first time in a long time.

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