86 What A Day For Number 1 & 2

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"Don't worry I will be more careful." I said as she nodded as I slowly took off her shit leaving her in only a bra and her perfect D cups.

"God this body is like a race horse I feel like I could have my way with you the whole day I am here." I said as I kissed her stomach as she flinched in pleasure.

"I wouldn't last more than 9 hours we know this already." She said as I worked my way down to her pants that quickly came off leaving her in only her undergarments. I quickly undressed also as I was only in my boxers.

"Good times." I said as she smiled and put her hand on my face, as I got the message.

"I get it will this help you believe me?" I said as I put my hand on her head and somehow manage to show her the meeting and the favor and stuff. As I pulled back she just nodded as we began our last dance of love.


It was like a case of Deja Vo I lay in a grass field looking up at the sun, the warm light touched my skin as I sat up. Instantly I knew this was a dream as I looked around I heard birds chirping, also I heard the screams of children playing in the sun. As I looked around I found out it was a park.

"Percy what are you doing? Are you sleeping under a tree again, we talked about this you just can't sleep under any tree you find because it looked comfortable." I looked up to see a woman with a two seated stroller, because the sun I couldn't see who it was but I knew instantly who it was.

"Sorry Hera I just dozed off."


"You should be I feel like I always do all the work around here." She said helping me up, as I got up I just looked at her in her 21 year old form. Her hair was brown with silver highlights like it normally is, she wore simple blue jeans a grey t-shirt with the words 'world's best mom' on it.

"Why are you starring?" She asked shifting uneasily as if I was undressing her with my eyes which I was. Also I figured out I was looking her over as I looked back up at her eyes as she gave a sign.

"Sorry I just can't help but looked at my hot wife." I said walking over to her and giving her a hug which kind of startled her. But as soon as I hugged her she hugged back.

"Your different today is something up?" She asked as I let go and gave her a kiss on the lip as she smiled a little and touched her lips with a slight blush.

"Nothing is wrong so don't worry." I said as she looked at me like I was lying but brushed it off.

"Well since you fell asleep when it was your turn to watch these two, you have to push the stroller all the way back home." She said as I nodded and looked into the stroller to find a very questionable sight.

It was Piper, Bianca, and Zoë but 2 year old babies, I could tell by their hair, silver hunters baby outfits, and their eyes. Pipers eyes were there ever changing color, Bianca's were chocolate brown, while Zoë's remained deep black. They looked so cute I made a mental note of this to show them later. But at the same time I was surprised I thought it would be a joint dream but I was wrong.

"Were are the other three?" I asked her as she smiled.

"Well good thing you asked because you just signed yourself up to go pick them up from school." She said as I pouted but I held back a sign.

"Okay don't worry about it I will get them but first we get you home." I said giving her a quick and short kiss because people were looking at us. She just looked flustered I did that in public as I started to push the stroller as I thought of what this meant.

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