59 Honey Moon, Lots Of Love, Future Begins

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"Thank you Mrs. Jackson for the comforting words." I said with a grin on my face as I felt her smiled into my chest as I played with her hair.

"Well seeing as everyone is asleep we need to go to bed also, you have a big job ahead of you tomorrow." She said to me.

"What would that be my love?" I asked her.

"Oh you know just sexually satisfying all of your wives, as well as getting as all knocked up." She said as she turned her head to look into my eyes.

"Well that is a large job so I guess I do need my sleep so let's go to bed shall we." I said as she nodded and readjusted herself so she could sleep better.

"Good night Percy." She said with a sleepy tone.

"Good night Zoë, sweet dreams." I said as I drifted off into the blackness that I ever grew accustomed to.


As I woke up I felt something warm on my dick as I moved a little, because of my dream I thought it was something different completely. But as I woke up as the warmth grew and grew, I slowly opened my eyes to find a pair of chocolate brown ones staring right into mine. With a quick power of time I found out it was almost noon, I just looked back at Bianca as she licked my dick.

She seemed to make it look like it was going to run away as she lavishly ran her tongue up and down it like a candy cane. She didn't notice I was up as I only kept my eyes open slightly trying to get adjusted to the light. But as my other senses came to me I heard a shower going in the other room, someone cooking breakfast or brunch.

But as I moved she seemed to let go of my dick for a second look around and go back to licking as I felt my increasing hard boner getting harder. But after a while of that she finally started to give me a blow job while lightly massaging my balls. It felt amazing since it was the first time someone even me has pleasured myself.

But since I hadn't done the deed for a while I was super sensitive as I felt myself quickly going for an orgasm. But just as I was about to cum and Bianca had me all the way down her throat we both head a loud cough from the door of the room. I sat up as Bianca quickly pulled off and wiped the precum off her mouth.

"What do you think you are doing Bianca?" Artemis asked standing in the doorway with just a pair of short shorts a silver t-shirt and an apron that said kiss the cook.

"Just getting him ready for the day." She just said as if she just thought of it.

"Uh huh sure you wore, you were just trying to take his first cum shot of his new life weren't you?" She said as Bianca just hung her head in defeat as I slipped my now flaccid dick back into my underwear.

"And you." She said pointing at me.

"You know all of you cum is for later after breakfast got it." She said in a voice that left no room for arguments.

"Yes mama." I said as she nodded then walked out of the room shaking her ass a little for a small show.

That just left me and Bianca in awkward silence as she got up and went to the bathroom without a word. Seeing as I wouldn't be able to get into the shower soon I just used some magic to make myself clean also to change my clothes. I just stood up and walked to the kitchen, as I opened the door I was assaulted by the smell of bacon and pancakes.

I looked at the dinner table to find three of them chowing down; Hestia had a nice helping of bacon. Hera wasn't there; she was probably the one in the shower. Zoë was talking to Piper about something and Artemis was cooking the breakfast. They paid me no mind as I sat down and took a stack of the blue pancakes provided.

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