46 Percy Goes Missing, New Domains, & Sleep

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"Let out what?" I asked as I suddenly saw something drop from my face onto Juno's head, I looked closer to find it was a tear. I was crying and I had no idea why I was crying.

"What's happening to me?" I said rubbing my eyes as I tried to stop the tears cascading down my face.

"Percy how the romans reacted about your answer before it struck a nerve; I can feel that crack they made in your emotions finally starting to widen. Percy it's like what happened to me when we were on our date, I had built up a wall of emotions and when you broke through it I cried that is happening to you. So like I said just let it out Percy." Juno said still hugging me as I looked around and started to feel my emotions finally catching up.

All of the emotions about my mother and family, I could feel them starting to flood my consciousness as I started to cry more and more. I felt my lip quiver as the memories started to cloud my mind, the sadness I had stored in my body all of these years was finally coming out.

"Let's go home okay." Diana said as I nodded in my stupor or tears as Bianca opened up a shadow travel to my room in my realm.



I didn't do much but walk were they told me to go as we appeared in my room, they sat me on the bed as they did something. Each one took a turn watching over me as one got dressed for bed as I cried in their arms, the mass amount of hate, fear, sadness, and other emotions ran over all of my other senses. All I could feel was their warm clothed bodies holding me as I cried, finally after what seemed an eternity they got me back up and put me in some night clothes.

They were simple black night clothes that my clothes turned into as they helped me to the middle of the bed. I simply curled up into a ball and let my tears run down my face, after a second or two the girls managed to get me open enough to position me so I had each on by me as we lay there my emotions still running their mile.

I felt better as I felt their body's warmth warm my cold body as I lay in the middle of them; Artemis took over my head as I lay in her lap as she lay down playing with my hair. Hestia took up my back hugging me with her breasts pressed lightly against me as she whispered soothing whispers into my ears.

Hera lay by my head with her forehead pressed lightly against mine; she sent trickles of energy to me that made me feel better. She used Artemis's lap to lay on while Zoë and Bianca lay curled up in between me and Hera, they were small enough in their forms that they didn't disturb anybody.

Zoë had her back facing me with Bianca in her arms and both their foreheads touched as they interlocked legs and held hands. Bianca had Hera kind of spooning her like Hestia was me and I was to Zoë. But they were both out like a light as they breathed in lightly and out as I continued to sob lightly.

Their warmth felt nice like when it is cold outside and you're by a fireplace with your favorite book, sweater, and hot coco as the shadows of the flames provided the reading light. It felt just right as I lay there as my crying died down as I felt myself drift off to sleep, I felt at peace as I did like I had never felt in my life.

Not like death were you think of all the things you haven't done, it was like you finally let your feeling known to someone you love and they accepted it. It felt like that a true at peace as I drifted into darkness of my dreams, but as the darkness consumed me I noticed it handled me with a unknown gentleness as it dragged me into a slumber that I felt that was much needed.


I opened my eyes to find myself in a world made of black, white, and what was in between. I was in a circular room with a dome ceiling and a floor with a slight decline to the middle of the room, in the middle of the room stood a glass cylinder that was full of black murky looking liquid.

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