17 Ranger Of The Gods & Find Some Freinds

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson


"Can you please wipe the memory and replace it of every demigod I met before I started this job, I wish to stay hidden from them until the time comes." She seemed confused by it.

"But why do you want this young hero?" She asked.

"Because I wish to stay hidden from the campers who meet me, well except for the hunters I feel like I'm going to be seeing a lot of them." I finished she just nodded understanding, she flicked her wrists and I felt the deed had been done. That's when Artemis finally spoke.

"Welcome Percy Jackson son of Poseidon the unknown demigod, to the job of a ranger for Olympus."


PERCY POV: 14 YEARS OLD (Today is his birthday)



I sat by my fire eating my favorite sandwich in the world, ham and cheese to be truthfully I can summon the best sandwiches. But I have a guilty pleasure when it comes to them; I love tuna as much as I do ham. Yes I know son of Poseidon eating a tuna sandwich that's cannibalism, well screw you they are delicious.

I sat alone on my log watching the fire I had going burn brightly in the winter night sky, almost as if a beacon for the dead. My tent was behind me a couple of feet, it was like everything else I had completely black. But on the front flaps it had my normal eye but it was completely white, on the inside it was just like the hunters tents just two stories instead of one. I had manipulated the water in the snow to fall around my camp, my water powers hadn't increased when I got domains.

In actuality I had gained no new powers, just the ones blessed on me before the primordials died. It was silent in my camp no birds sang or the sound of snow was heard, instead the steady crackle of the fire was heard in the clearing. Also enjoying the fire in front of me were Orthos and Tia, the day I had left Olympus to do my job they found me and traveled with me. Orthos was about the size of a dumpster truck, he stopped growing last year thank god.

Tia was a little smaller than him but just as ferrous, they laid just out of the fire light. They were sleeping snuggled up against each other, over the years they both had become each other's mates. They had yet to have puppies but I knew in the next couple of years they would, Orthos was gentle to her no matter what. Even if they had one of their rare fights, let's just say last time I had to intervene before they destroyed a small town.

His heads were about the size of a fully grown man; Tia still looked like a larger version of her small self. When we go into towns they have to wait outside in the forest, they are simply too big to bring into towns. Their coats looked the same as well as well of their features, except a large scar that ran over the right eye of Orthos's right left head.

He had gotten it when they had a confrontation with Cerberus, he had tried to mate with Tia but let's just say it was a bad idea. The scar ran up and down on the eye, blinding him in the one of his four eyes. No hair grew on it leaving a very intimidating hellhound, more than he already was.

But for me I grew till I was five eight and still tan as ever, I had my swimmers body still. I wasn't too muscular but I had a six pack and was toned, but it hid mostly under my hoodie most of the time. My eyes remained their entrancing black and white flames with small rivers of silver, purple, blue, red running along with the flames edges. My hair looked like it hadn't been combed in days, but no matter what I did I could never get it straight.

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