15 and New Domains But Yet No Domains

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I stayed at the top of the stairs and just watched the both of them converse with each other; I could tell Percy was falling asleep by his body motion. He slumped over onto Zoë's shoulder, she didn't mind in her half-asleep state but what happened next made me furious.

Zoë leaned over and slowly kissed Percy on the lips, I felt rage build up inside of me for what she just did. But I felt something else also but I didn't know what it was but if felt stronger than the rage. I was trying to figure it out when a voice I know all too well spoke in my head.

'Jealousy.' Is all that that woman said in my head.



I felt myself slowly wake up from last night, I have no idea what happened towards the end. All I remember was a warm and soft feeling on my lips then I was out, I slowly felt feeling return to my body like I normally do every morning. I tried to open my eyes but I had no yield, as my body said to me 'no don't wake up' as I tried to move my body I felt a weight on my chest and down.

The first thing that hit me was a mild smell of roses in my nose, this confused me so I used what felt like every ounce of energy in my body and opened them. I was met with I sight I will never forget for some reasons, one it was of peace, two I was probably going to die.

Lying on my chest and currently wrapped around my body was none other than the lieutenant of the hunt Zoë nightshade. Even though her body was that of a sixteen year old she was short for it and I stood about an inch taller than her. Her head was nuzzled under my chin and her black hair ran all over my right arm, which was currently over her shoulder and holding her close.

I could feel her C cup breasts press softly against my chest on the right side, her eyes were closed and her left arm ran below my back. While her right one wrapped over my chest, her legs were tangled in mine but they weren't in any painful position. She was drooling a little and let me say even for a man hatting demi titan, she looked adorable.

I inhaled once again and got another full whiff of her sweet sent, she moved a little to resituate herself. She pulled herself closer as she readjusted, I could feel her breasts press a little harder against me as she did. She was wearing silk pajamas that felt amazing on my skin; yeah I wasn't wearing a shirt at the time. But I was wearing shorts, thank you Zeus.

I tried to move but she just kept pulling me back into her warm embrace, her warm breath on my chest felt weird but not uncomfortable. That's when I thought of what time it was, instantly a number was shoved in my thoughts which told me the exact time. '10:30 A.M.' I started to mentally panicked the hunters always woke up at 10 a.m. I turned my head to the left to see a sight I wasn't really prepared for.

"Hey Percy you finally awake, nice just stay like that were not done yet." Said Tracy as she was sketching down it on a note pad, while the others were taking pictures and giggling like high school girls.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I whispered not wanting to wake up Zoë.

"You see this is just too good of a chance to pass up, so stay still so I can finish." She whispered back.

"Where i Artemis?" I asked her looking around.

"She went up to Olympus for a while; she told us that you get to look after us like old times. Now stay still, we don't want Zoë waking up like this now do we?" She said sketching down some more.

I sighed and went back to the position I woke up in, I waited for anything to happen as Zoë was still sleeping on me. Suddenly she started to do something that made all of us mentally stop for a second; she had started to suck on my neck like a hickey. The others instantly took action and started to take pictures, and Tracy got an evil look on her face. She finished the sketch of what she had left, once she finished in a couple of seconds she came over to me.

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