20 Women, Weapons, and Pride

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson


Instead of shaking it she grabbed my arm and pressed her breasts up against my arm, Thalia saw this and got a pissed off expression.

"What are you doing?" She hissed in anger.

"What I can't help it I just want to make sure he is safe." She said it like she thought of this on the spot. Thalia frowned and grabbed my arm from her and dragging me away, Annabeth frowned and quickly caught up and started to brush up against me in a flirting manor. Thalia didn't see this and continued to the first sight to see.

'This is going to be a long day.' I thought to myself.



By the time we got to the cabin it was about an hour in, I smelled of the perfume Annabeth was wearing she rubbed up against me so much. Thalia looked like she wanted to deck Annabeth in the face with a fist, and I was in ground zero as they glared at each other. I just sigh as I swear I saw sparks flying from their eyes, though I give Annabeth credit not just anyone stands up to a daughter of Zeus.

"God Annabeth let go of him for once, he smells like you since you have been rubbing up against him so much." Thalia hissed at the girl.

"Whatever Thalia, it's not like I saw you advancing on him at all." She hissed back.

"Whatever owl brain, if you were any closer you would be wearing him." She pokes Annabeth in the sternum; she stands her ground but rubs the spot a little.

"No I'm not you slut." I winced as I knew what would happen from that, just as suspected Thalia grew furious.

"What did you call me?" She said with a dangerous tone in her voice, by this time we had a little crowd gathering.

"You heard me I called you a sl-." She didn't finish the sentence when Thalia sent an electric punch right into her face; Annabeth hit the ground hard grabbing her nose. She got back up after a second and drew her dagger, that's when I knew I had to stop this.

"Guys stop this it is stupid." I said walking in-between them, the crowd seemed to back up a little as the fight was eminent.

"Get out of the way Arch this is between me and her." Thalia said cracking her fists, as she did a storm cloud started to brew and lighting flashed across the sky. It also started to rain a little as it began but then it grew harder.

"Yeah listen to her so I can cut that hair even shorter." Annabeth said gripping the dagger and backing up a little to make room. By this time thunder ran across the sky like Zeus was cheering for his daughter, Athena the same.

'You guys are pathetic parents.' I thought.

'What Why?' Athena and Zeus both said.

'Oh, no reason.' I finished.

"I said stop this fight, it is a pointless argument." I said raising both hands to try to prevent them from charging with me in the middle. Thalia just glared at Annabeth as if she was ready to fight, Annabeth me her with one of her own. By this time the crowd had grown to the whole camp and Chiron and Mr. D were watching in the back. I gave him a pleading look to stop this but he just had a sad face saying he couldn't.

"Arch, get out of the way now." Thalia said with a slight plead in her voice.

"No, stop this now." I said for the last time, getting annoyed

"Sorry I have to do this." She said as she did she fling her arm down like throwing a ball. I knew what it me though.

In a second thunder seemed to gather in the sky, everyone saw this and back up even farther. A single lightning bolt came down bigger that any I had ever seen, but I was ready. Just as I was about to hit me I grabbed the bolt with my bare hand. Using my powers over water I wrapped the water around my arm and managed to redirect it into the ground. To the others I looked like I just grabbed the bolt and stopped it.

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