107 The End

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As the time passed it kind of settled down but I think Neptune was going to bring this party until tomorrow night. All the children had passed out as Jess drooled snow which was funny, Charlotte was currently using Amber as a warm pillow. All the others were laying in chairs asleep as we said our goodbyes and took them home to sleep.

But that didn't mean the party was over for us as we stayed up for a couple more hours have our own small one at the house. No sex just a congratulations and a story telling session, as things went on slowly the 9 began to fall asleep as I took them to the bedroom one by one with Artemis's help to lay them down.

As everyone was down Artemis joined them and fell asleep taking up the whole bed leaving me no room as I went to take a shower. After the warm shower and new clothes I sat in a chair in the room just snapping my fingers changing and washing all the 9. Leaving them alone after that I fell asleep on my chair as the darkness consumed me.

My life had been a long one that was for sure but only time could tell what was in store for me next. For some reason I had a feeling it was going to be boyfriends and girlfriend's issues as the kids grew up. Which reminded me one day I would connect the two universe's of my old home and this one.

One day but not today as I needed my rest as I fell asleep with the thought of time and what it was going to do to me.

NOW: 15 years later



(A/N: looking for a person to write a reading of the true child of chaos.)

In the Olympian thrones sat 1 primordial (Gaea) 10 Olympian gods and all major and minor gods, this was as strictly Greek and Roman meeting so no Norse or Egyptian gods were present. Including all demigods from camp Olympus of the both Roman and Greek demigod camp, also the hunters. The meeting had been called by the new goddess of the hunt Thalia de Angelo, who in Artemis's steed took control of the hunt and became the goddess of the moon, the hunt, and virginity.

Even though she was the goddess of virginity doesn't mean that she was a virgin herself it was just a domain that was blessed upon her from the fates. But her daughter or Riley de Angelo sat at her feet as Nico did the same as he was a god but a major one not an Olympian. So he preferred to sit at her feet rather than his chair by Hades.

"So daughter why have you called this meeting?" Zeus asked Sally and her family sat down in the chair that faced the whole council of major, minor, and Olympian gods. Their jobs as peace keepers were doing great as Sally banged a gavel to get everyone's attention.

"I am sorry now ask your question again." Sally said as he nodded and turned to her.

"So Thalia I ask again why have you called this meeting we just had one a day ago." Zeus said as she nodded.

"Because of this." She said as she snapped her fingers as a flower in a see-through white bubble appeared. It didn't stay on color as it changed from blue to black to red to white to silver and many others. But as she summoned it the sent from it spread throughout the room. It was by far the best thing anyone had ever smelt. Just the smell alone made some of the gods moan in its pleasure full aroma.

In an instant Acacia was by her examining the flower with gentle hands as she smelled it and looked at it like Athena looks at a new book. After a couple of minutes she had a face of saddening as she turned back to the council. As she looked at them she let out a large sigh as they all looked at her confused as she slowly grabbed the flower from Thalia and put it in a proper pot and soil.

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