43 More Time Travel, Presents

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The cum gently came out of her slightly inflated belly as I helped he move as she felt the whole nine inches slither around in her. She moaned sweetly as I gently massaged her breasts occasionally tweaking a nipple, she let out a sweeter moan as I did. Again our bodies her in sync, moving as one for the most pleasure at the moment.

She had her hands on my chest holding herself up as she took in ragged breaths as the pleasure was perfect. The stink of the room, the sweat, the motions of our bodies, the pleasure that course through our genitals was unlike any other as almost after beginning I felt myself building up again.

The tip of my dick was being rubbed gently against her open womb with cum still in it, but after an hour I felt her fall into complete pleasure as she came yet again. I let loose inside her again but this time much more cum fell to the side as there was no more room for it. My balls ached as the gently folds milked me as she fell onto my wet chest as we both fell asleep in this moment.

My dick was still in her as her breast were still on my chest, cum flowed out of the hole were my dick and her pussy didn't fill. Her mess of silver curled hair was right below my head as I smelled her sweat sent, I felt the exhaustion of the day come over me as I stayed inside her as I fell asleep.

"Best sex ever." I whispered in her head as I fell into the world of darkness, but before I did I pulled a los cover us as we stayed connected with my cum still pouring out of the small holes.

With that last movement I fell into darkness as Hera did as well, into a encasing dreamless sleep.



To say I was pissed would be a different meaning all together; I didn't wake up to find Hera sleeping naked on me. A sight I wish I could see but no I didn't get to see it, I woke up falling in darkness my back to where I was falling. I regained it all too well it was a time leap and by my calculations a half day one, but I guess it is better than a full three day one. As I fell I let out a breath and just looked down to see what my clothes changed to, to my surprise it changed to a Greek armor suit.

I looked at it for a while until I actually noticed I had popped out of my wormhole I called it, but as I popped out I was falling in the sky but as I turned around I noticed I was beside a cliff. Bu the cliff ran down to flat land instead of water, but it looked weird almost as it seemed to be molded like it was crushed by something in some places. But I fell faster and faster as I figured out there was a hut bellow me by the edge of the cliff.

I whipped out my wings but as I did I was falling to fast to stop myself from hitting the ground hard. I turned so my back was facing towards the hut and my wings turned into my diamond ones, I wrapped myself in my wings as I felt myself crash through the top of the hut.

With a solid crashing sound I punched right through the roof into whatever room I landed in, the dust swirled as I coughed as sunlight streamed in the hole I made. It was pretty warm out as I looked up into the clear sky not moving. But then I heard a scream as I turned my head to see a woman I hadn't seen before holding a small baby in her arms. He held a knife out in her hand as I just starred at her, my back starting to hurt just a little from the impact.

I felt my diamond hard wings behind me as they had protected from most of the impact, my back just hurt a little from the shock wave that went through them. I moaned as I rolled onto my hands and knees as the woman still had a knife pointed at me from a couple feet away. The baby just then started to cry as I stood up and let my wings fold into my body as the solid diamond wings disappeared into thin air.

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