25 Mount Othrys, Domains, They Find Out

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson

A/N: If you're wondering I do most my work over the weekends so that's why they come out faster on them. Also remember to review my story I also passed 39,000 views which I think is a lot, so congrats to you for viewing my story. (Team USA Olympics)



I felt a sudden power increase as I sat thinking if this was going to be my last moments on this planet, the power felt amazing on my tired muscles. My body felt a little better as it washed over me. I could only think of a few people who would do something like that, the first one was Percy as it came to mind. Always caring for me even if he is hundreds of miles away, then my mind temporally forgot about the idea as it drifted to the dream I had with Percy in it.

It seemed so life like and I can't believe I lied about that being my emotions not my conscious we almost kissed to, I don't know why but when I saw he black and white eyes with the several small rivers of colors flowing through them.

His black hair that looked like it could never be tamed. His sent that smelled like sweet berry and almost like space itself that made me week in the knees. His smile which seemed to drive away any worry away like it was noting.

His toned and tan muscles that would make any women drool over him in his later years, and from the bulge his pants I coul-

'What am I thinking I am a maiden goddess I shouldn't have these thought right now, I am holding up the sky let's focus.' I thought to myself as I shook my head focusing on the task at hand.

'Hurry up Percy.' I thought one last time before I completely focus on the task.

NOW: (one hour later Percy just arrived I San Francisco group just sent Grover with the cow thing back to Olympus.)


I landed just outside San Francisco letting my poor aching back rest, contrary to belief flying kind of stinks. I got attacked by a flock of birds for no possible reason; I think Zeus has something against me flying in his domain.

By the way I think I'm going to have to explain all this somehow to the Olympian council, which I haven't thought of anything yet. As I strolled through town I tried and absorb as much light, shadow, and water while I walked to where the rest of the group was.

I figured they were going to Mount Othrys seeing as it was the titans home field and it was were Atlas was imprisoned under the sky. As I walked I checked my energy I was about up to twenty percent now, fucking A used up every little ounce of it. I checked and every lake in from of each dam was sucked dry. As I walked I kept buying water bottles and pouring them all over me so I could recharge quicker.

As I walked I used my map and found the quest members over in someone's house, I quickly shadow traveled which drained me to fifteen percent power. I didn't care seeing as I was caught up with them, I just sat on the roof of the building watching the sun reach for the Horizon but once it touched I felt a massive amount of mist come from one direction.

I looked to see it come from Mount Othrys I guess the gate to go in had finally opened, just then the quest member funneled out of the house and got in the dudes car.

But when I saw the dude I noticed he looked like Annabeth a lot, my guess she was somewhat related to him. As they got in activated my invisibility and hopped on the top of the car, not making a noise when I did. Hell I didn't even feel the car go up and down as I got on, I would make the hunters proud.

Once they started to drive I sat down not wanting to fall off, as we went for a while we finally reached a forest at the base or Mount Othrys. They all fielded out and started to run to the entrance of the mountain, I jumped off and ran after them. Once we reached a heavy mist spot I noticed Zoë looked pale, and then it hit me this was her old home. She hasn't been her in over 2000 years, she must be thinking of how her family will treat her.

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