34 Rewards, Titles, Immortals, & Mom

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"What else I have taken away your powers and immortality; you are nothing but a mortal who will die from hunger and a bullet to the head." Percy said to him.

"That's not possible not even the gods have that power."

"Your exactly right, what happened to you was above the gods it was my mother's power. I figured out the more domains I use at once I can use my mother's power over creation. What I have just done in not take away your power I just recreated you as a being, you cannot receive power or immortality anymore you are a human who will grow old and die that is what I have done." All the gods instantly thought of how powerful the child was, how afraid each one was of him.

"B-but that's not possible." Kronos said falling to his knees as Percy stood up and looked at the screen.

"Gods of Olympus I believe you have a prisoner waiting for you in the throne room." Percy said as he suddenly collapsed on the ground for the over use of power, just as he fainted and the domains deactivated 12 bright flashes lit up the throne room.



I felt myself awake in a soft bed, I did open my eyes as I stay there listening to the soft sound of my breathing and the sound of the medical machines beeping and binging around me. I heard two other people, one was a male and the other was a female from the sounds of their breathing. I remained still for about an hour before I heard someone come in whistling the theme song mission impossible; it was Apollo I just mentally laughed at him.

I started to shift a little when Apollo stopped moving around and hurry to my side; he shook my shoulder as I was laying on my stomach for some reason. I groaned not finding my voice he stopped then ran out faster than Hermes would deliver urgent mail. After a minute of listening of the people around me I heard the door open and five people walk in. One walked over to my side as the other walked over to my other side.

"Percy are you awake." I tried to do something as I managed to move my fingers of my hand; they went astatic as the sight that I was up.

"Thank the gods you are awake, you have been out for days." Artemis said grabbing my hand as I held hers also, remembering back to my study time I remembered I knew a little sign language so I tried my best to communicate with them. At first they didn't understand as suddenly Bianca went ecstatic.

"He is trying to use sign language he says. 'How long have I been out?'" Bianca said translating for them, to why she knew sign language I will never know.

"You have been out for a couple of days, you know for being so powerful you really are fragile." Artemis said to my side.

"Wait how did I stay under that long normally I would be out a day from wounds like that?" Bianca said translating.

"Oh it wasn't your normal poison it was concentrated hydra venom, not like its poison counterpart that melts rocks and stuff. No this stuff is much more dangerous, it has three effects one is it stops the heart, second is it cuts off the power of divine beings, and third it makes the body paralyzed for days. Since you took in so much poison I am amazed you are alive, normally that much would kill even a god. But thanks to Apollo we got to you in time and he extracted the poison, but I must say you are such a powerful being in such a week body." Artemis said explaining.

"Ouch that hurts my feelings a little, so how long do I have until my body is totally recovered?" still in sign language.

"About later tonight and you're lucky to it's your birthday later tonight to." Apollo said checking off some things as he tested my reactions to things.

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