87 Tracy Wants To Cook, Hesita's Love

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"Percy Jackson kind of the sea you have been brought her for one reason and one reason only." Bianca said in a commanding voice as I gulped a little. But kind of like it how the walls darkened when she talked.

"That reason is to take Queen Bianca and I on a date to determine who will become the ruler of this land. As only you can chose the next ruler because when you do you will marry her and you will become the kind of this land." Piper said as I just got pulled into their own fairy tale.

"Okay so why am in chains?" I asked her as she looked down at me.

"Oh sorry we just want to make sure you wouldn't escape." She said as a time skip happened and I was fully dressed in my normal jacket and black t-shirt. I just looked at them as they wore blue jeans but their shirts mimicked their dresses but without the collar things. Each looked beautiful as they had on barely any makeup and were raring to go.

"So were off to first?" Piper asked looping her arm with mine.

"How about the shopping district?" Said Bianca doing the same thing with my other arm.

"This is going to be one hell of a day." I said excited as I gave them both a kiss on the lips as they blushed.

"Aquarium it is." Both said as we both started walking with me and tow and blushes cascading on their faces.


As both of us got cleaned up I noticed Zoë showing signs of sore legs in the shower, I just smiled at my handy work as Zoë just cursed me.

"God I won't be able to walk straight for days." She said as rubbed her inner thigh like she had a rash.

"Come on it was worth it." I said stepping out of the hot shower to find myself already dry and clean, I like this body already.

"Hey." I heard her say.

"What's up?"

"Can you grab me the soap?" She asked as I looked around to find it and toss it to her.

"Thanks I will be out in a bit just wait outside and talk to the hunters." She said as I nodded and found the a new set of underwear for them to instantly change color to my old ones and suddenly have on pant a shirt on and my jacket.

"I wish I had stuff like this." I said admiring the magical clothing.

As I walked outside the door I found the barrier was gone and a 16 year old Tracy with her ear to the door. Which I could tell because she fell in the room and preformed a perfect roll as if she was tossed in the direction.

"Damnit guys!" She yelled as if pretending someone did through her through the door. But I stopped her by grabbing the hem of her shirt and holding her off the ground as she just looked shyly at me.

"Really?" I asked her as she just tried to find an excuse for eavesdropping.

"Okay I got nothing, so what were you and Zoë just doing?" She asked with her normal puppy dog eyes I had grown immune to.

"Oh you know stuff." I said as I set her down.

"Stuff sure I believe you." She said with heavy sarcasm in her voice.

"Do you really want to know the truth?" I asked her as she nodded.

"Okay I will tell you." I said as I began the sequence of telling her who I was and what me a Zoë just did in detail great detail. Just as I got to the part I was cumming in zoe Tracy held her hand up to stop me.

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