96 Help, Scroll For Me, Weapon Of Death

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As I raced away I watched the ball hit the ground and explode, but I had put up a barrier around the island to not disturb the ocean. But as it exploded I watched the island just vaporize into nothing. As the explosion ended I removed the shield and watched a new patch of ocean form were the island was.

I had to admit after my fight with Eli I had a lot of new ideas about my power but never got to test them out. But this impressive even by my standards I just smiled at my new weapon against Abyss. I just turned back around with my wings out in their Chaos form, and with one flash I returned to camp to begin my duties again.

As I appeared in camp I instantly knew something was up as I walked in the camp to find the hunters all gathered around a table that had Chaos, Diana, and someone else on it. As I walked closer I saw it was a male sipping tear like a true gentleman. But Diana looked mad at the male like she always does with any male other than me, while Chaos looked excited as I came up behind the back of the male as I couldn't see his face.

"Oh Percy you are finally here thank god." Diana said standing up and walking over to me and gave me a quick hug.

"Why you worried about me and who is he?" I asked as he turned around to see a familiar face.



"Yes it is I the great Balbus." He mocked as he took another sip of his drink and just stared at me as I looked at Chaos.

"Why is he here I thought he was the enemy?" I asked her as she just shrugged and looked at him. He just sipped his tea as he turned to us with a face of 'did I do something wrong?'

"What?" He asked looking at all of us.

"Why are you here?" I asked him as I got the idea he wasn't here to attack us as I felt no killing intent from him.

"Oh I am here to make a truce with you." He said shrugging thinking of it as no big deal.

"A what?" Diana asked as we all turned to her.

"Yes a truce is that so hard to understand?"

"Yes it is." I replied back.

"Why?" He asked me.

"Cause I kind of killed 4 of your brother and sisters are you not mad at me?" I asked him as I looked at Chaos for answers as she just shrugged.

"They had it coming even mother could tell that, but I was never close to them as I am the 6th." He said as Chaos just nodded as he was right about them being kind of crazy.

"He is the most level headed of them." Chaos said.

"Thank you but let's get ba-."

"You met the 6th what is she like!?" Diana yelled with excitement, but quickly steadied her image of a man hatting goddess.

"Well yes and no, yes I have seen her and had conversations with her but I have never physically seen person only her shadow only that bastard Abyss has seen her physically. But as the rumors say she has a very week body and she almost hasn't ever had a haircut so her hair is super long. But that is about all I can tell you." He said as Diana accepted the knowledge.

"Is she still pure?" Asked Chaos slowly.

"Yes she is as far as I know, even Abyss wouldn't dare try and take away her virginity in it might kill her. As I said as she is very weak almost as week as a human child in an adults body, but that is the main reason I come here today. Percy Jackson I want to make an alliance with you and Diana's allies." He said as I nodded and sat down as I just saw all the hunter and Riker starring at us.

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