21 We Get Fancy, Bianca, Dr. Thorn

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson


"That is what happens when you let your pride get control of you, let this be a lesson to all of you." I said to the stunned crowd, Silver Shadow had returned as I sheathed the Soul Reaper in its magical compact sheath. When I let go of the handle felt it turn vertical with my back, I reached for it to feel it turn to my hand, cool another perk to the sheath of awesomeness.

I grabbed my stuff and left the crowd behind me as I walked to the big house, just as I left I heard Chiron say one last thing.

"I don't think this is the best time but, tomorrow Thalia, Annabeth, Nick and Archos will go to Maine to pick up two more demigods tomorrow." I smiled and just continued walking.

'Looks like Artemis just can't ever get that far from me.'




We sat in a car driving to Maine all five of us Thalia and Annabeth sat on both sides of me in the back; Nick sat up front in the passenger side. Nicks mom Mrs. Wellington or Terra as she wanted us to call her was driving us to Maine.

She was nice enough to drive us to Maine, she reminded me of my mom a lot except she had blonde hair and was about six one. She still had the mother smile that any child would want to see, she reminded me of my mom a lot.

"So you're the great Aionian Archos I've been hearing about, nice to meet you." She said not even looking back, I saw Nick look down and blush in embarrassment.

"Nice to meet you to Terra and please just call me Archos everyone else does." I said back to her.

"Wait you said you heard about him from where?" Asked a curious Annabeth, who was still trying to flirt with me.

"Oh Nickolas here wouldn't stop talking about Archos when he saved him two years ago, and for that I am forever thankful Archos." She finished taking a look at a very quiet Nick, Thalia and Annabeth both looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"You saved Nick." They both asked at the same time.

"Yeah so what I was just passing by, the gods wanted me to see what the camp was like before I was trained." I said thinking of my answer on the spot.

"Hmm so where did you train then?" Asked Annabeth, everyone seemed to lean in at this question.

"No way I am telling you guys." I said not looking at their eyes.

"Come on tell us Archy." Said Thalia who was seemed to try and decipher my every reaction.

"I... I trainedwiththehunters." I sputtered out quickly.

"What?" They both asked, Terra seemed intrigued by this conversation and listened in.

"I trained with the hunters." I said in a quieter voice but they all heard me say it, Thalia just coughed like she had gotten a drink of something bad while Annabeth just sat there mouth wide open.

"You trained with the hunters how, are you still alive?" Thalia managed after a second.

"She wasn't allowed to kill me orders from Zeus, neither were the hunters." I finished at all the open mouths. (Terra knows about the gods.)

"Wow you seem to amaze me even now Archos, just makes me wonder what I don't know about you yet." Finished Annabeth looking at me, her grey eyes analyzing everything.

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