24 Dreams, Bianca's In Trouble, I Get Wings

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson


Blood surrounded me in a pool as I changed back into my normal hoodie form, I could feel the heat in the rom still linger as the glass melted from the display cases. I was about to go when I saw something left behind in the pile of dissolving monster guts, A and B were feasting like no tomorrow as I stepped into the blood which all seemed to flow up my legs into the hoodie.

I reached down and grabbed a golden coat of the lion, I knew it was indestructible so I summed by backpack and stuffed it away for later use. Once A and B had finished gorging themselves I had left and had just enough time to catch the train the others were on. I lay down in the car I had hidden in that was in the train car, it had cars in it like really expensive cars.

I started up at the celling waiting for me to drift off to sleep which came quickly for once, but once I did I had a feeling I was going to have a dream tonight as I drifted off into my dream. As I floated in the darkness I heard one word that seemed to make my whole word explored.

"Percy..." Said Artemis as I turned around to meet the goddess of the moon's eyes.


I found myself standing on soft green grass; the wind blew softly through my hair as I stood there. The smell of the sea filled my nose as I smelt the air; butterfly's flapped their wings trying to get across this peaceful scenery. Birds chirped in the distance quietly, a cliff to my back and a field of flowers in front.

I bent down and smelt the flowers; it smelled of roses and many other kinds of smells. Bees buzzed around from flower to flower hopping to get some pollen, but what made it strange is the moon and sun were both in the sky.

But on the suns side the sky was black and on the moons side it was bright, the middle were both met was a still line unmoving. The clouds quickly passed in the calm wind like the world was in fast forward, in the garden of flowers on a bench sat a women dressed in silver hunting uniform.

Four paths ran to the middle in an X formation, I began walking forward slowly at first but then began a slow jog as I came closer. She held a baby dear in her lap it slept like there wasn't a problem in the world.

"Percy..." Said the women as she looked up at me, her silver eyes seemed to penetrate my soul as she started into my eyes.

"Yes Artemis." I said sitting beside her.

"No I am not Artemis I am her emotions, her other side if you will." I just nodded in understanding.

"Then were I her consciousness?" I asked her, she looked into horizon she slowly pulled the dear up and put it besides her not waking it up.

"Her consciousness is being put through hell Percy; she is barely able to hold the sky anymore." She said looking up into the ever fascinating sky.

"Don't worry we are on our way to her right now, can she hear me right now?" I asked her she just nodded; I stood up and shouted into the sky.

"Don't worry Arty I will be coming don't you worry, if you can just hold the sky for another day then I will take the burden from you!" I said to her, the Artemis made of emotions eyes widened considerably at what I had promised her.

"Percy what are you doing no demigod can just take the sky." Artemis said to me standing up, the dear woke up and hopped off into the garden.

"But I am no ordinary demigod you should now that for sure, but Artemis I now you can tell that I will save her no you both from the weight of the sky." I said stepping closer and taking her hand.

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