85 Godly Cold, Zoe's Emotions, Percy Switch

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"I will only for a price." He said as Percy looked at him.

"Get me past this level on pac-man." He said handing over his PSP, which Percy took and beat in a matter of minutes. Once he was done he handed it back to Eli who looked excited.

"Thanks and as promised you will go back." He said as he snapped his fingers and suddenly Percy appeared at the castle which was just conquered. As Percy popped out of nowhere the people around him jumped and pointed their blades at him.

"Percy is that you?" Percy heard as he turned to see Tracy with an arrow ready as she fired it into the fleeing Jupiter troops.

"Yeah." He said as she ran over to him and grabbed his hand.

"Good your survived Jessica but this isn't the time to be loitering, we need your help." She said as she pulled Percy over to the wall.

"What do you need my help with?" Asked a tired Percy.

"That." She said pointing at something that was not very promising.

"What is that?" Percy asked her looking at the massive monster that stood at least 50 feet tall. It had four arms on each side left a right. And each hand wielded a blade with the Omega sigh, it had three heads but one neck as its snouts were pointed like a Y. It was very muscular and harry body with 2 horn on each head as well.

"That is a danger level 10 Minotaur."



I just slowly turned my head to Tracy as she kept firing arrows into the fleeing troops, she noticed I was staring at her and turned to me as she fired another arrow.

"What?" She asked me as I looked at the monster as it let out a roar in protest to the fleeing troops, my guess was that Jupiter did something with genetics and made that thing.

"I don't want to fight it I am to tired." I said as I sat down on a box and just looked at the beast start walking to the wall, even thought it was a mile away it was going to get her in about 5 minutes.

"What you have to you're the only one who can." She said turning to me as I let out a long breath as I looked at my tattered shit and torn pants. I was completely exhausted and just want to sleep.

"Take this and fire it at that thing." I said handing her over my bow in its ring form as she just looked at me funny.

"How will this kill it?" She asked me.

"Put it on and twist it." I said as she did as I said as she did a bow that was pitch black and purple edging popped up in her hand. It automatically adjusted from my massive bow to one more her size. She just marveled at the bow as it shined a little in the light of the torches used to light the night.

"What is this?" She asked me as I looked at her with tired eyes.

"That is my bow Yewfelle, I got it as a present a long time ago I don't really use it that often." I said as she gave it a test pull to find it a very easy pull back.

"How many Fps?" She asked me.

"I don't know it adjusts to according to the wilders strength I think the last time I used it, it was a little over .5 million." I said shrugging as she almost dropped it.

"What why would you let me use something like this take it back!" She said tossing it to me only to have it pop back in her hands.

"Kill the monster then you can give it back to me." I said as she just looked at me like I was crazy.

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