91 Lost Love, Hunter Unite Kinda

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I stood at impressive 6'5" and was slim in my swimmers form, but they were very deceiving as I had enough strength to ben steel like a bendy straw. My black hair was still short and had it pure white streak in it. But something about my crystal had change greatly, after my fight with Mark and using my powers on the scale I felt something snap in me like a small barrier.

This happened after the explosion after I changed back into my normal human form, what had happened was my crystals had disappeared but in the middle of my chest in the middle of my sternum was a pitch black crystal. I still had yet to figure out why but as soon as Diana saw it just gapped and approached me forgetting we were naked.

"Oh my god." She said as she traced her finger along the 3 inch oval stone in my sternum.

"What?" I asked her as her breasts pressed up against my chest, looking at the stone.

"Nothing I will tell you later, but for now nice arms." She said changing the subject as I looked at my no longer crystal arms that completed my full muscular look. They even had the scars I used to have, along with my old arm chop off scar. I kind of missed these guys. But as I looked at the oval stone in my sternum I noticed a fain twinkly in it as it had a small galaxy swirling in it.

But not too big to get in the way, but then my stare was drawn back to Diana who was looking at it.

"So Diana?" I asked her as she looked up at me as I kissed her, quickly I felt her hands go to my hair as we kissed. Out long night together finally beginning.



At first I was skeptical about how to do this, it had been so long I just couldn't remember what it felt like. All that I remember is that it was bliss, but as we kissed I felt the spark again as he gently pushed me back onto the bed. His hard rod pressing up against my inner thigh, just the simple presence of his lower limb touching me lit a fire deep in me.

His larger body dominating over mine as his kneed gently came up and began to rub the entrance to my already wet pussy. I just let out a moan that stopped out kiss, as his lips left him I felt the warmth leave me, but it was soon lit again on my breasts as he began to suck on them. He was like a baby I thought as he gingerly nibbled at one nipple.

But as the slightest touch I felt the fire in me grow longing for Percy and his very being, my nipples growing hard under his touch and warm mouth. I couldn't help but let out sweet moans of pleasure as he touched began to fuel the fire. Finally with a shaky breath from me he pulled back as I was about to cum, but he left me right before I could cum.

He held a smirk on his face as he put one hand on my lower entrance making me shiver, but he didn't put in a finger he just let his fingers lay at rest at the opening of my entrance. As if telling me to beg for it, which I wasn't content on doing as I started to come down from the peak. But Percy just saw the look in my face and slowly began rubbing my lower lips.

It was amazing as I gasped at the increased pleasure, for many years I hadn't felt this way as he gingerly slipped in one finger making me gasp. As he did this he threw me off the edge as I finally came. My back arched in pleasure as my hands ripped at my silver sheets, all I could do was scream Percy's name in pleasure as I soaked my bed and his hand.

"Wow." He said looking at his hand as I was still having muscle spasms from my orgasm. All I could do was look as my body was still in a trance as was my mind as the pleasure ripped through my being. Slowly it stopped as Percy rubbed my legs to help, I guess he didn't want to start the main event without me.

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