101 Sally, New Powers, 6 Months Later

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"It is good to see you to Balbus might I ask who this kind looking women is?" I asked him as I saw him walk over to the women with the sun hat. Her hair came down to her mid back and looked silk brown. But I noticed as Balbus walked over he had to help her stand as she gently pushed away from the table.

Quickly Balbus got to her side to make sure she didn't fall over as she slowly walked over to me her head down as she used a cane to walk. She must have had a very week body to have to use a cane to walk at her. As she walked over and stopped she used Balbus as someone to lean on.

"Hello I am Percy." I said as she looked up at me and my heart stopped. As I looked at her she appeared to be at least 40 but she looked stunningly young for that age. She had blue eyes and light freckles on her face. Her eyes just stared into mine as I slowly reached up and cupped her face, Balbus seemed surprised at this action.

"Mother?" I asked her as she smiled.

"No I am not sadly I would have love to have a child like you, but if it makes you feel better I possess her memories as I do all of the other me's in every universe. It is the power of the rivers that I control that make it so, but it is nice to meet you for the first time Percy I am Sally, Sally Jackson the 6th of the high gods."


At first I fainted to be truthful, as darkness covered my eyes and I felt my head hit the ground then I was out like a light. As I began to wake up I felt like I was in a perfect position to sleep, I just didn't want to get up as I began to stir. I just felt my head in something warm and almost like a pillow but a little firmer than that. But as my eyes fluttered open I just looked around me not moving my head to find I was staring at two pairs of female legs under a table.

Easily I looked up to find Sally smiling at whoever she was looking at across from her. As I looked up she had noticed I had moved and gave me as smile as I looked at where I was at. I was currently getting a lap pillow by Sally, which felt just like it did when I was little amazing and warm.

"Oh he is up." She said as I slowly sat up on the bench I was lying on with a big yawn, as I looked around I saw a slight golden faced Diana and Chaos looking at me.

"Why are you two angry?" Were the words that just flowed from my mouth as I said something stupid. But to answer my question Sally just laughed in her motherly laugh that seemed to warm anyone's heart.

"They are just angry because they wanted to have their lap be the pillow, but I beat them to it." She said in a snicker as both goddess's blushed harder.

"Whatever." Diana said as Balbus and Sally both laughed as I looked around from in-between them.

"So what are you guys talking about?" I asked them as Sally seemed to perk up.

"Well seeing as I possess the same memories as your mother does and all the other me's out there, because I have complete control over the river of memories. I was telling them about your past when you were a baby." She said as I just shook my head as a laugh escaped both Chaos and Diana's mouth.

"Wait is my mother still alive?" I asked her as she nodded as I let out a huge sigh.

"How it has nearly been 500 years since her birth, did she become immortal somehow?" I asked her as he nodded.

"The Jackson family is very well establish peacekeepers between the gods or all cultures and demigods and humans. So far it is just your mother, her husband and three of their children. All have received immortality. But so far it is just the two generations and they don't expect your younger sister or brothers to have any babies anytime soon." She said with a laugh as I smiled.

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