19 Some Old Memories & Camp HalfBlood Again

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson


"Okay but what do we do about her." She said pointing to the drooling Zoë.

"Just take her to her tent I have a call to make." I said fishing around in a drawer for a Drachma.

"Okay." She said flipping the unconscious Zoë on her back.

Once I found it I created some mist with my powers and tossed it in. "Iris show me Aphrodite."

"Wow there is a first for everything I guess, connecting you." Said Iris from the other side, as it connected I tapped my foot impatiently until it connected.

"Why hello Artemis this is unexpected, and I mean unexpected why are you calling me." Said the love goddess.

"Shut up Aphrodite and hear what I have to say."



"All right pure peach don't need to be bossy, what's up." Aphrodite said, my eye twitched at her nickname for me.

"Don't call me that ever again of I will have Hecate removal your genitals like when that trap hit you last time." I growled at her, she got a scared look on her face remembering the last time it happened.

"Okay Artemis why are you calling?" She asked.

"Why in hades name is Zoë acting like that." I knew she knew what I was talking about by the face.

"Give me a second I need to look at something." She said grabbing a piece of paper to her left, and quickly looking it over and then her eyebrows furred together in annoyance.

"I don't know Artemis on this it won't give me any information about her, not even her first name. I know I didn't do anything because I can't control your hunters, trust me I've tried before. But this is unusual I can normally pear into anybody's love life but something is blocking it, but the only thing that could block my vision is that of someone with a stronger love magic than me. But the only one who has that kind of power would be a titan or... no not possible he couldn't be alive still." She said the last part thinking out loud forgetting about me.

"Well can you fix it?" I said with anger laced in my voice.

"I'll see what I can do but that means you will owe me a favor Artemis, do you remember last time you owed me a favor?" She said smiling at me.

"Yes I do don't remind me, uh so much makeup. But see what you can do okay I need her normal in like a week we have a mission from father." She forced me to where make up for a month last time it happened. There was two times she had done it once was because I owed her, the second was because she cursed me.

"Okay I will see what I can do, but don't forget you owe me Arty." She swiped her hand through the IM.

"Don't call me Arty god dammit." I growled as the message disappeared.

"Well since Aphrodite is doing her thing I guess we should start on our trip to Maine." I said to myself, as I waked to the entrance to the tent.

"Man it's only five and it's already been a long day, I wonder what else could happen" I thought out loud as I walked outside to tell the hunters we were leaving.



It was about nine o'clock and I had just arrived at New York, my most favorite city in the world. On the way I had one of my guilty pleasures a tuna sandwich, it was delicious I just can't tell my dad. Seeing the city brought good and bad memories of the past, some of Gabe came up and I felt like I wanted to punch someone. But then a memory of my adoptive mother Sally came up, she was out there somewhere I knew it.

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