68 That Bitch, Treaty, Transformations

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"The rumor was you died, but I see this captain could help but see such a perfect gene pool die so she kept you to herself." She said stalking over to me as she kicked me to the ground as my body didn't want to work.

"But after a little bit of negotiations..." She said looking over at the trembling mess of my slave.

"I convinced her to let me have a slice of the pie, but don't worry I won't be giving you a blow job. No I am going to fuck you until you spray the six month thick cum all in my womb. So I give birth to your children, I can just already imagine their power. ¾ gods and the power of the sea and love they will be unstoppable." She said as she straddled me in a cowgirl fashion as she took off her dress.

Her breast were beautiful I had to admit it not too big or to small but almost like they would fit perfectly in my hands. She was slightly tan and had no blemishes on her, she didn't wear any underwear also as she leaned down and gave me a kiss the sat back up.

"I am going to fuck you so hard son of Poseidon you won't want me to ever stop." She said as she pulled off my pant revealing my rock hard dick at it full length and width read to screw anything that moves. But I could tell form her speech about me she was barely able to remember who I was thanks to Balances spell.

"Looks like someone is ready but first I have to get you nice and wet, because that monster of a cock would tear me in two." She said as she pulled off my shirt leaving me bare naked, she just tossed it with my other clothes in a piled as she turned around to 69 us.

"Get ready boy because this is going to be the best time of your life." She said. I struggled as much as I could but my body felt paralyzed because of my stiff muscles. Just then I felt her warm lips engulf my cock as she began to get me ready to fuck me senseless.


Her mouth engulfed my hard cock like a sock on a foot the perfect fit, I guess her body changes to the mate because everything was either perfect or damn near perfect. The way her tongue move around my shaft as she bobbed up and down tacking every inch with ease.

As she went down she sucked as hard as possible as then came back up for air, leaving thick strings of precum and saliva on the shaft. It felt perfect as she went top to bottom quickly giving my stiff body an immense pleasure. Not to say I didn't like it but this was bad if she got pregnant I was in deep shit.

And as stiff my body was I couldn't even cast anti pregnancy magic, as I lay on my back giving slight moans as she kept giving me a blow job that rivaled Hestia's. But as I was about to cum she stopped bobbing up and down and slowly came up with thick string of saliva and precum covering her mouth and my penis.

"Now that is tasty I have to admit it, kind of like sea food. But we don't want you to cum just yet, I want all this tasty fertile cum right in my womb." She said as she turned around and positioned herself over my full super hard length.

"Please don't." I managed as I tired to move but could only close and open my hand barely.

"Oh why are you a virgin?" She asked me as I looked at her scared, not more for me but for her.

"Oh you are aren't you, I thought you wouldn't be by your age but I guessed wrong. That just makes this all the more better." She said as she rammed all 11 inches of me straight into her baby came. I almost came right away as the softness but sheer tightness made my dick melt, but I managed to catch myself as I felt my dick pressing tightly up against her womb.

"God you're so big." She said as she didn't move for a minute, but as she sat still her wet folds moved like a hand almost. Jerking me off while not moving as she got herself adjusted to me.

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