10 Capture The Flag And New Sibling

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson



"What I've never seen you at sparing practice with anything else and you didn't look that good at it either."

"Well I don't fight with a sword; I fight with knives and something else."

"Okay but your loss when Clarissa finds you by the river like you planned."

I just smiled and nodded to take up my guard position for the far left of the river, by the game border edges.




Slowly but surely Clarissa and her goons were walking towards Percy, it was the normal path they took during the game. There were sounds of fighting around an occasional scream from a girl or boy. Currently Hermes and Athena cabins were attacking while the others defended, but this didn't matter to the children or Ares. In totally there were seven of them going after Percy, a little overkill but they did it anyways.

The rest were fighting the main force of people who attacked in the front. But as Clarissa and her goons walked to we're Percy would be the air grew slightly colder, as they walked closer. They still had a couple hundred feet of trees and brush but that's not what worried them. Right in front of them frost slowly crept along the ground away from Percy would be.

It crawled silently on the ground occasional cracking a little, it covered everything even the trees and falling leaves. This section of the forest also was darker than the day around them; the shadows seemed to be drawn to the epicenter of the frost. Clarissa and her siblings stopped right before the frost as it crawled along the ground.

"What should we do sis, I don't like the looks of this." Said one of the boys.

"We keep going forward; no child of Ares will be scarred by a mere parlor trick of a son of Trinton. Now come on we have only till we get the flag to make a fool out of prissy." She said.

As she finished she stepped on the frost and continued on, her siblings looked at each other for a second then followed her. As they went deeper and deeper the cool air turned their breath into mist. Some of them were shivering from the cold as it dropped to below freezing. The darkness was almost as if it was night, they could barely see five feet in front of them.

There were no sounds of animals, not a bird or insect for miles. The only sound was the seven demigods stepping and cursing frost on the ground. The silence was almost too much for some, they would have turned and ran but they continued on. They slowly spread out in a vertical line in the back stood the third in command to Clarissa.

As he walked forward suddenly the frost grew so fast around him he didn't even have time to scream before he was invaded in a block of ice. The others didn't even notice that he was missing until someone pointed it out.

"Hey we're Steve, he was behind me a moment ago?"

"I don't know he probably ran to fight some demigod he saw, come on let's get going."

They nodded and continued on, by this time they were a little under a hundred feet from we're they thought Percy was. The frost started to grow on their clothes and plants started to break from it weight. Suddenly a girl who was standing by Clarissa was suddenly tackled by something so fast they didn't even see the blur.

"What was that?" Asked a boy three.

"I don't know but I do-" the girl one didn't even have time to finished her sentence. Frost that had formed on a tree to her right suddenly reached out with thin pointed hands. First it was two the four, by the time they turned to look at her there were more than thirty grabbing onto her as she screamed.

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