73 Husband & Wife, What Did I Just Do

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"Now go I think he is waiting for you but be careful in the next five years." She said as I nodded and walked out the door to Percy who looked board.

"Hey." I said as he turned to me.

"What was up?" He asked me.

"Oh you know normal girl talk about a handsome dude." I said as he laughed.

"Well whatever, by the way my armor says hello." He said which confused me for a second.

"Wait your armor is some beings spirits right?" I asked him remembering a little.

"Yeah A and B is their names." He said as I laughed.

"That can be their names." I said as I never recalled him calling them anything other than that.

"Well their real names are Alpha and Beta they said hello for some reason." He said as I stopped at the name.

"W-what was t-the first ones n-name?" I asked him stuttering as he looked at me funny.

"Alpha why do you ask?" He asked me.

Suddenly all of the dots connected like a last piece of a puzzle that you couldn't fine. The wings, the stories of the old armors shape, the blood sucking into the armor, all of it came together like the last piece of a puzzle.

"I finally found you Alpha, I finally found you." I said as I hugged Percy.

"I can't believe you were right in front of me all these years Alpha my husband."


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As soon as the words came from her mouth I stopped as I look down at Jessica as she hugged me.

"What?" I asked in a weird voice.

"I said that I finally found my husband Alpha that was why I always felt he was near his soul was in your armor the whole time." Jessica said as I stepped back a little scarred.

"What are you talking about Alpha was my mother's first creation." I said as Jessica was wiping tears from her eyes.

'No he was made in this dimension." She said as I stepped back farther away from her.

"That isn't possible." I said as she looked up at me with teary eyes.

"No it is true, I will show you it is true." She said as suddenly I felt a presence of immense power as I looked into Jessica's normal brown eyes to see they completely black. In an instant on pure instinct I teleported away, I suddenly appeared in a cave we lived in for a while on the journey to the capital still in Vesta's country.

"Alpha that can be possible." I said as I shouted at the armor as he responded.

"I-." He tried but suddenly stopped as I heard footsteps in the cave, but not human footsteps something much larger than that. This cave was more than a hundred thousand miles from the capital as well.

"Percyyyy I know you are in here." I heard in Jessica's voice as she hummed it, my back was to the entrance as I stayed completely still. I couldn't sense her at all. I could only hear her footsteps coming closer to me as I stayed completely still. For the first time in my life I was scared.

My body shook with fear as I stayed still standing up, not because of the power emanating from being not two feet behind me. But at how fast she got her even thought I teleported here and I didn't feel her flash in. just the thought she knew where I was in a instant and got her just as fast as I could get out a sentence scarred me

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