18 Off To See The Hunters & Lots Of Love

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"Oh one last thing, you haven't shown us what your face looks like, show us." Shay said as I jumped up onto Orthos, I just shrugged and pulled down my hood. They both gasped at my appearance, well my disguise to be more accurate.

I had white hair but it was still had its unruliness to it, my eyes remained the same but my face had a new scar above my eye I got last year. I just nodded and put on my hood again and spoke to Orthos and Tia.

"Let's find the hunters guys." She immediately stood up and sniffed the air, once they had the sent they rushed off to find the hunters were. They love the hunters especially when they bathed them both; it took all fifteen of them to do both in one day and a lot of dog shampoo.

"See you soon, ladies." I whispered to myself as they both started on there long journey.


To say we were going fast would be an understatement, the trees and other terrain shot by faster than you could make them out. The girls had their eyes closed and were screaming their heads off, I don't know if they were scared or not Alex seemed to be smiling between each scream. Orthos and Tia were racing each other I could hear Tia mocking him about how slow he was; truly she was faster than him.

By the time we passed into Oklahoma it had been a fifty minutes, Tia and Orthos panted in joy as they shot through the forests. We were about two hundred miles away from the hunters as my map said, but it looked like they were stopped and setting up camp. Which was good for me at least since, I didn't want to follow them. As we got about a mile away I had Orthos and Tia slow down to a walk and set us down.

"Why are we stopping?" Orthos and Tia lay down to let us off.

"Were about a mile or so from their camp I'm taking you to, but I can't be with you when you guys enter okay." I said reaching into my pocket and pulling out two of the spare pins for my cloak.

Alex's uneven hair was all still blow back like she just got off a rollercoaster, she tried to put it down but she had no luck.

"But why can't you come with us though?" Alex asked looking at me.

"Let's just say they don't take kindly to men, now take these pins. These will tell the goddess with them that I sent you okay, and if they ask for me tell them you met Aionian Archos." I said handing over the pins to the girls.

"Were will you go?" Asked Alex.

"Wherever my next task takes me, but don't worry we will meet again I promise." I said walking back to Orthos and Tia.

"Just walk north you will find them in a couple of minutes okay, but if you don't accept their offer I will be waiting here to bring you to camp." I said petting both the wolves not looking back at them. I felt someone suddenly hug me from behind then let go, I heard them leave into the brush as they walked to their possible new home.

As soon as I could tell they were gone I turned to both the wolves, they were giving me a sly grin from all three heads.

'So you are going to see your girlfriend boss.' Said Orthos, Tia, A, and B at the same time.

'Shut up all of you, and Orthos Tia is back at this spot in five hour. A and B shut up I don't want to hear it from either of you.' I said activating my invisibility and starting to run after the girls, with my hunter like stealth I made no sound and hid my presence. Not even Artemis could find me when I hid my presence, saved me from some clashes with her when I was younger too.

As I followed the girls and decide they could make it on their own I ran ahead, jumping tree to tree. As I approached the hunter's camp I just stopped on the tree that overlooked the whole camp. All the hunters were having dinner with their plates I gave Artemis two years ago, as I watched them I suddenly remembered today was my birthday. I found Zoë and Artemis at the head of the table like usual, while Tracy scarfed down a plate of macaroni and cheese.

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