5 I Get Caught and Hellhound pups

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or any character in this story.


As I finished I felt her presence leave the area. I just sighed and turned back around by this time everyone was having dinner. Artemis was at the head with all the hunters at the sides. A pretty girl with black hair and eyes was sitting on the right of Artemis she wore a silver tiara.

I took a seat on a log by the campfire and just watched the flames dance. Still invisible and shadow less in my current form I sighed in exhaustion and closed my eyes. I walked over to a tree climbed it and said one last thing before I fell asleep.

"Well it's only six years how hard can it be?"

NOW: 1 year later



'God Dammit! Why the hell is this so hard!?' I mentally screamed

Archery wasn't my strong suit was an understatement. I started practicing at night know because when the arrow leaves the bow it becomes visible. So currently I just fired an again but it somehow managed to hit the tree behind me.

I don't know why but when I use my powers when I fire an arrow it hits dead center bull's-eye. But no when I didn't I was as good as any child of Poseidon, mom told me about all the pros and cons of the different demigods.

As I gathered all of the arrows I walked back to the hunter's camp to burn them. I don't want anybody to find them, so every night I burn them in the hunter's campfire to dispose of them. There made of some black metal from earth but I can't remember the name. As I finished up I noticed the hunters sitting around the dining table.

In the past year Artemis has been coming only about once a month to camps that they have. She has been busy up at Olympus, probably Zeus still searching for me.

"Zoë where is the food?" Asked the youngest hunter at the age of five, her name was Tracy. She was a daughter of Athena you could tell by her eyes and hair.

"Tracy...we don't have any. There aren't any animals to hunt around these parts. Artemis is also at Olympus so she can't summon any." She said in a quiet voice.

"But I'm hungry." She said in a quieter voice.

"We all are, don't worry we will find something tomorrow I promise." She said as she hugged her.

Over my time here I notice the way they looked up to Zoë. I don't blame them she has been in the hunt the longest. But over the time I also noticed how beautiful she is, her black hair that looked as soft as silk. She had curves in all the right places to; she had C cup breasts and an ass to match. With the silver huntress outfit on it didn't help dull her features.

I was eating a sandwich the whole time this was happening, I found this out two days after I started following the hunters. I was starving and I thought a ham and cheese sandwich would be great about know. I felt a slight tug in my gut and Walla a sandwich appeared out of no we're in my lap.

I felt bad for the hunters I truly did not being able to eat was horrible. After Gabe once starved me for a week I was off school I found out hunger is a horrible thing. Pulse I've started to like the hunters, after a monster raid they lost half of the hunters. There were only fifteen now most were new to so they couldn't hunt monsters as much as they used to.

I polished off my sandwich quickly and walked to we're Artemis would normally sit. I silently put my hands on the table and focused on what kind of food to bring to the table. After I got it down I imagined it, a pig roast with every side that could go with it and macaroni and cheese for those who like it.

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