35 Crazy Girls & What A Way To Sleep

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"Don't worry you already did enough for me, just start a new happy life okay." Percy let go and shadow traveled her to her new apartment. He sighed and turned around to only be kissed by Hestia on the lips, after a minute of a little tongue she let go but still clinged to his neck looking up at him.

"So Percy how about we skip dinner and go straight to desert." Zoë said cruching over and rubbing the bulge in his pants.

"I think that sound like a plan Zoë." Bianca said coming over and giving Percy a peck on her tippy toes, trying to reach his impressive height.

"Let's not let any of Eros's blessing go to waste shall we." Artemis said coming from behind and sticking her hands down his pants and rubbing his cock. Percy was just stunned at what was happening and how fast, but he guessed that is was Eros's blessing does to people.

"Let's go somewhere more secluded then." Percy said pulling Hestia into a deep kiss and light flashing them away.



We appeared in my vacation house in California with a bright flash in the night that covered the land; I could feel heaviness in the air lifted as Mount Othrys was free of its evil leader. But that didn't bother us as the girls looked at me as I dug my way into Hestia's mouth, I was leaned over so much our heads were vertical from my new growth in height. I could feel the others winning as was busy kissing Hestia, I explored her mouth like never before. For some reason I found it so much easier to find her week spots in her mouth.

After a minute I she finally pulled back as a string of my saliva fell from my mouth into her gasping one, she swallowed it willingly as I cupped her head with my right hand and made her look up into my eyes. Her eyes looked like their normal orange fire but I could see the lust in them as I kissed her lightly then started to walk to my room, I didn't was some unsuspecting god to walk in on what was about to happen.

As we got to the bedroom instead of a plain king size it was a double king so it could fit all of us, thank god for the auto form rooms. As I sat down they all gazed at my body as I threw off my shirt, my eightpack and tan skinned looked perfect as I suddenly looked in a mirror to find out what I looked like. My face seemed perfect to the point my hair seemed to fall in all the right places and with my white streak it just made it look sexier.

I looked back at the girls to find Bianca and Zoë had been quickly healed by the goddesses to be able to do the deed. But before they dug into me they started to undress themselves but Bianca suddenly covered my eyes.

"No peaking Percy so close your eyes and when we saw open them open them." She said seductively in a tone that seemed to draw me to it, I shivered as she said it and nodded and closed my eyes.

"Okay Percy you can open them." Hestia said as I opened my eyes, in front of me in was all four women shoulder to shoulder in the hottest lingerie I could imagine. Each one was see through showing their pink and succulent nipples, Artemis and Zoë's were silver with leggings. Each one had underwear that seemed to tease you as you looked at it showing some but not enough at the same time, Bianca was in a black one and Hestia in a fiery red one. I looked at the sight as I felt my dick get harder and harder to the point I thought my pants were going to rip open and unleash the beast.

"Wait how do we decided who gets Percy's first time after foreplay of course." Zoë asked coming over as the others did surrounding me and pressing their ever so soft bodies on my hot skin.

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