94 Chaos's Wish, Tyranny Of Two

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"Yeah." Both Diana and Chaos said as I instantly whipped out a knife and walked inside my cabin Chaos was using currently. After a few minutes I emerged shaven and smooth as possible thank you powers with a blade.

"Wow you look so much different without the beard." Chaos said as Diana nodded I just smiled and showed off my shaven face and smooth skin.

"So seeing as how I covered for you guys I want something back in return." Chaos said as we both couldn't argue.

"For Diana I want to officially become the manager of the hunts education and training." She said as Diana nodded as she turned to me with a glint in her eye.

"From Percy I want something a little different." She said as I shrunk under her gaze without emotion.

"Diana if you could leave us please I want to talk to Percy alone." She said as Diana nodded and went off to her hunters but not without giving me one last look with the expression 'good luck' on her face.

"So what do you want me to do?" I asked her.

"I want you to swear on your name to follow through with my command no matter what." She said in a slightly threatening voice.

"Okay...I Percy Jackson the creator hereby swear to follow Chaos's one command at this time." I said as I felt the deal seal.

"Percy I want you to-."


"Percy I want you to take my virginity."

With those 8 words she put a stop to my world, my mind going beyond its limits thinking of a way out of this. But then my deal with her came to mind as I had sealed my doom at this moment and time. Yes we weren't technically related but she said she was my mother now, and her request with our current perimeters on our relationship made it weird.

Then again the gods really weren't ones to worry about these kinds of things *cough* Zeus *cough*. I was just in a moment of pure thought as Chaos just looked at me as I slowly sat down on a nearby stump thinking about everything that came into my mind. Like if this was okay, or the fact that she was my adoptive mother. But just as that thought passed my mind I heard Chaos say something.

"I Chaos the creator temporally renounce Percy Jackson also the creator as my son, until 24 hours after his deal with me has been fulfilled if he wishes to return to that relationship." She said as I looked up at her.

"What you didn't want mother and son making love did you?" She asked me as I was stunned.

"Why did do you do this to me?" I asked her putting my face down in my hands as I felt her get a little angry.

"Really? Zeus the hell up." She said as I laughed at the joke about him and his family breeding skills.

"Do you really want me to?" I asked her getting back on topic, as she wore an expression of sadness.

"I would rather it be you than that asshole Abyss." She said as suddenly I realized why she was being so assertive.

"He recalled you back to his throne room didn't he." I said as she nodded.

"For how long do you have to stay?" I asked standing up and putting my hands on her shoulders.

"One week, and since you escaped Yeul's prison and knows of our complicated relationship. H-he wants to deflower me himself, to teach you a lesson about the things you love and what he will do to them." She said crying in my chest as I pulled her in close for a hug. With my 6' 5" stature and her 6' stature I gently retested my chin on her head as I felt a wet spot on my shirt begin to grow.

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