55 Bath Time, Rules, Gifts, Karma's A Bitch

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Just then in cam Artemis, Hera, Hestia, and Bianca who appeared in a silver flash. They all had their work clothes on as I stood in my white shirt and blue jeans.

"Hey guys." Tia said as they all said hey back.

"Percy we will start dinner in a while after we get cleaned up okay." Hera said as I nodded, I then actually smelled myself to find I needed a shower as well.

"I might join you I kind of smell as well." I said getting up and walking of to the shower with them.

"Were is Piper?" I asked them.

"Oh she is meeting up with Zoë after her club gets done they will both take a teleporter to get here." Bianca said.

"So I hear yo-." I was cut off by a finger on my mouth from Hera as I stopped talking.

"No talking about it until dinner is over, but I would like to start early. What do you guys think should we have desert first then the full meal?" She said in a seductive voice while tracing my muscles with her long beautiful fingers.

"I don't think that is such a bad idea lets have it in the shower shall we." Artemis said slipping her hand in my belt loop and pulling me forward to the shower for some before dinner sex.


As we walked in my Japanese large style bathhouse I was stripped on my clothes in a throne into the large bath in an instant. I am pretty sure it was Artemis on pants, Hera on shirt, Bianca on underwear and Hestia with the towel as I landed with a splash in the large bath.

"Wow." I said as I rose to the surface as I floated on the water surface with my powers. I just floated for a couple more minutes until I felt the girls finally get in. I looked up to see all the girls with white towels around their bodies to the breast and barley covering their asses.

"You like what you see?" Hestia said moving her hands along her hourglass shape while moving back and forth.

"Yes I do very much." I said standing up already getting hard a little.

"Good I hope you do, now let's all wash Percy shall we." She said as they all nodded, Bianca dropped in the bath and helped me out as the girls went over to wooden turned over bucket that they sat me down on.

"Now let's start with the hair and back shall we." Artemis said grabbing the body wash and putting it on the towel and her breasts that were covered. She then turned from her fifteen year old from to her eighteen year old from and began to grind her whole upper body into my back.

As I lavished myself in the feeling of her breasts Bianca got the shampoo and put some in her hands. Hera gave a quick wet to my hair then Bianca began to scrub my hair, her hands were so soft they felt amazing.

"Finally the front shall we." Hera said to Hestia as she nodded. In a second I had Hera in my lap and doing the same thing as Artemis and Hestia was rubbing my cock with body wash as well. I was in heaven as my membrane hardened in Hestia's hands.

As it got to its full ten inches and three inches thick it seemed to lift Hera up and pant itself between her but cheeks. They went like this for about two minutes then stopped as I was finally covered in suds and clean.

"Now time to wash him off." Artemis said grabbing one of the six shower head things and spraying me all over. Once the she was done I opened my eyes to find all of the girls sitting in front of me waiting for me to clean them, with their backs turned to me and towels only covering their fronts still hiding their supple goods from me.

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