32 Last Day Of The Past

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Using my matter control powers I ripped the seal apart with my bare hands, if it had been cast properly it would have taken longer but I got it off. Once it was all gone I exited Leto's being and staggered back in the real world. Leto caught me and helped me sit; I got my energy back in a second and smiled at her.

"The curse is gone you are free to leave this island when you please, but I ask for something back." I said looking at her wide eyes.

"Anything." She said grabbing my hands as if willing to please me.

"Let my last day be with Artemis." I said as a sign of confusion came over her.

"What a weird something to ask, why?" She asked.

"Because I don't think my wife in my time would like it if I just left her on my third day of my visit to her first days of birth."


She just stared at me for a while with a face of pure shock, she let go of my hands and looked at me and Artemis back and forth. I just sat there as she did hoping she would say something to me, but she just started to pace back and forth until she finally stopped and looked at me. Her face showed that she had figured out what to do.

"So you have married my daughter in the future?" She asked looking at me.

"No not yet I hope to thought right know we are more or less dating." I responded, she responded instantly.

"But you said she swore to be a maiden goddess then how?" She asked with a face that showed she was looking for any slip.

"Her oath was that she would swear off men until she met her lover again, I wasn't there when it happened but I think this is the reason why she did it. She falls in love with me when I am here in this time." I said she started to pace again.

"Have you told me in the future?" She asked.

"Since I'm not going to lock your memory like the others I think I don't need to tell you, we will visit you though don't worry. But once the whole thing with the titan uprising is over with we will visit you again." I said to her.

"But what about you and Hestia I saw the way she looked at you when she left, it was a look of affection. Don't tell me you are cheating on my daughter so help me if you are I will castrate you before she does." He eyes looked on fire as I held up my hands like I was surrendering.

"I am not cheating on your daughter actually there is something I should tell you before I continue." She raised an eyebrow and sat down waiting for me to spill the beans.

"You know how I am a demi-primordial right?" I asked her.

"Yes what does this have to do with anything?" She asked confused.

"Well there is a greater power that controls us all, it would take me forever to explain so let me put it simply. The higher power controls my love life but since I am a demi-primordial it has a strong grip for a lack of a better term on me, you get what I said so fare?" I asked her she just nodded.

"Well this power that I have no control over is in charge of my love life like everyone else." She raised an eyebrow at this.

"One might call it a true love but everyone on this planet has one that fits those best, this power selects them for people." She nodded as I continued.

"Well since the power has a stronger grip I should say on me I have more perfect lovers, in total I have six women who will love me and each other unconditionally. Let me remind you that I have no control over this." I finished sliding back a little to get out of hitting reach of her arms, she looked calm but the table which she was crushing with her hand said otherwise.

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