58 Long Day At Home, Fans, Lost Mother

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"Then Italy." Bianca said as I shook my head.

"Why would I bring you there almost all you have seen It." They all nodded.

"Then is it Asia." Piper said as I shook my head again as we walked up the plane stairs.

"Is that your final answer." I said in a voice that suggested she was in a game show.

"...Yes." She said.

"I am sorry but you don't win that new car." I said as she pouted a bit as we all sat down in chairs all facing a table in the middle of the jet.

"Tell us where it is Percy." They all said in unison, all I could was raise my hands in defeat as I finally broke down an told them.

"We are going to my mother's home Planet Aguilar for a week."


A silence was cast through the room as I just watched them all process the information I told them. For about ten minutes they processed until finally someone spoke.

"But isn't that planet..." Piper started.

"Really far away?" I said as she nodded in agreement.

"Yes it is but I will be warping us there once we are in the air." I said but that wasn't the only question.

"But isn't it..." Zoe said.

"Destroyed?" I asked as she nodded.

"The main continent was but it is already rebuilt and brand new, well that is what Gaea told me anyways." I said as she nodded but then starred off into space like Piper.

"But Percy don't they have defenses and stuff for unauthorized aircraft or space craft." Hestia said.

"Yes but Gaea managed to contact them and say that I was coming, to say there are happy would be an understatement. But they won't shoot us down I promise, plus I have to meet the president of the main continent before I hang with you guys. But only for a few minutes." I said as she nodded and did the same as the other two.

"Wait there where will be staying?" Hera asked me.

"In my mother's home, Chaos corp's main tower. We will stay the week their but don't worry I will warp us so we can visit different places." I said as she just thought about it, I turned to see the two who hadn't asked a question. Artemis looked like she was still forming hers but Bianca asked hers before she could ask.

"Then does that mean we can come back if we want or even live there." She said as this question caught me off guard.

"Yes I does I guess." I said as she smiled then started to play with her hair as Artemis finally came up with a question.

"I have a two part question; first is what about Abyss, second is what kind of things are there to hunt there?" She asked me.

"Abyss will know but he will continue on his way to earth, that is why we are staying a week. The second part is there are animals you have never seen, or animals that are multitudes larger than they are here. Such as bunny's being the size of a buffalo, or fish that can fly miles off shore and live out of water for more than a few hours." I said remember talking to Gaea about it.

Artemis's face just showed the ecstasy as she thought of bagging one of the giant rabbits and other unique creatures. I almost laughed as a little drool came out of her mouth but then she snapped right out of her trance and wiped her mouth.

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