98 The Pit, River Help, What Did You Say

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"You will pay Jupiter as will all of you who have allied yourself with him. There is nothing you can do to protect yourselves when I get back. I will no longer hold back against you Jupiter I will unleash your greatest fears. I will become a monster that you will piss your pants just thinking about it. Hear my words Jupiter there is no safe place for you, or anyone of you for that matter."

I said in a tone that made the sky crack with thunder, and make the ground quake in fear. He had just done something he shouldn't have ever done. But he did it anyways, but if you think about it his plan did work as if I wasn't bound by my own name right now he would be nothing more than ant trying to face a giant in battle.

"Tartarus open a crack for me." I demanded at I looked at him I could see him gulp in fear as the air shivered in my power as I noticed all of the Olympia's but Jupiter had fainted from the sheer power I gave off.

"Y-yes sir." He stuttered ad I saw a portal open at me feet.

"Hear my words you have crossed the line, if it were not for these oaths I took in my name you would be nothing right now. Not even a soul would be left as I would burn it in the river of pain, after I am done with you when I get back you will be nothing. Also if I hear of one attack on my forces when I get back I will personally destroy your whole capital with you in it." I said as I jumped in the hole after my two lovers.


The feeling of dropping down into Tartarus again was almost surreal as I dove headfirst down the dark chasm. Towards the most dangerous place on earth, aslmost immediately I felt my power over teleportation seal. I may be the creator but there are parts of this universe that even my powers can be sealed. Just like now Tartarus or the pit have that power over every being, since we are technically inside of him he can control how it works.

Think of it as another dimension that he has complete control over, that include how much power one person can use. If they can teleport or even how fast their healing is, there is nothing I can do. But he can only seal so much power and so far he hadn't even tried to seal mine in fear of what might happen to him.

Don't get me wrong I was still going to kick his ass across the universe for listing to that son of a bitch Jupiter. But I wasn't going to kill him since I kind of felt a little bad for him just wanting to revive his siblings. But as I fell I just closed my eyes and let my senses expand to their limit at 50 miles. As I did that I felt the earth around me and the water running through it.

The dry air that blew past my skin as I fell deeper into the darkness which seemed all too familiar with me. The ground nowhere close to my senses as I fell for what seemed hours, nothing but the sound of wind blowing past my ears as my thoughts drifted to how Chaos was captured.

Over the past few months something was up with her I could feel her powers almost draining but she never told me why. She just remained her normal cheerful self, not saying anything to us. But I guess I was the only one to notice since she normally hid her power to that of a demigod. But I could feel her powers growing weaker as the years past. And I couldn't figure out why either as I tried to figure it out.

I knew she wasn't giving any energy to anybody since I would notice, if she wasn't doing that the only explanation is that her powers are disappearing. And I could do nothing to stop it as it happened, but I never asked her why. It was all my fault if I would have asked her I could have given her something to protect her but I was a fool.

As these thought streamed through my mind I found myself finally passing through the tunnel and into open land. But as I did I couldn't help but let out a whistle at the sight of this Tartarus, it was at least 10 times larger than the old one. And a whole lot more menacing, the sky was covered in black cloud and thunder above a stretch of mountains larger than the Rockies and longer.

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