64 Who Are You? Family's Aren't All Nice

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"Milady what is it?" One asked that hadn't seen the crystal in my arm.

"..." She remained silent as the girl came over and looked at it and almost collapsed to the ground as she backed up.

"That is impossible." She said.

"But it is clearly right in front of us, boy what other things like this do you possess?" She asked me.

"Does blood indicate anything?" I asked her.

"Yes there is normal red blood, demigod mixed blood, godly blood, and then the super rare platinum blood but it has only been recorded once in our history but the person has passed." She said.

"Prick my finger." I said as she looked at me with a curious look as she pulled out a dagger and pocked it. After she did platinum blood sprouted from my finer as she pulled back again.

"Boy I think we need to talk." She said.

"I think we do." I said as she grabbed me and we began walking back to camp.


Back at camp I sat down at a stool and told my story to them I even mentioned that I was dating three Greek goddesses and three demigods. They all sat quietly as I told my story as I finally finished with me falling from the sky.

"By the gods a child of Chaos." Diana said as the other seemed to be stuck on how I impregnated two maiden goddesses and four hunters.

"Yes but I have a request from you, can you please tell no one of my existence." I said as I bowed to her and the others.

"But if Abyss finds out that I am hiding you he will kill me and my hunt." She said with worried face as she bit her finger nail thinking it over.

"I see what you are getting at so I must do this then." I said as I snapped my fingers and hopped for the best, in a second she looked at me funny they she suddenly started to closer eyes and sway back and forth as she fell asleep in her chair. The hunters soon followed after her as I was left alone completely drenched in sweat as I took in some deep breaths.

"Balance you there?" I asked as I caught my breath.

'What is it young hero?' She said mentally.

"I need you to replace their memories of my story, make it so the think I am just a son of Poseidon. Replace the Hydra with me getting lucky and somehow stabbing it heart with a poisoned spear. And finally I need you to put the thickest layer of mist on my crystal on my arm, but I want it like an off and on switch so I can use it as a scar tactic if needed." I said as I waited for her to respond.

'Okay what size do you want your crystal to be then?' She asked as I smiled.

"The size of a 50 cent piece and also something else I need them to think I am week okay, I want them to think I barely lived through the whips. That I am afraid of my power and I can use it but I don't like to, I think that should do it." I said as I sat back and thought it over.

'What about your weapons?' She asked.

"Oh right them... I think you should put it so they are piece of my should forged as a curse upon me as a Greek. But only have Soul Reaper and Crimson sky be known about but still I don't like violence okay be sure to include that." I said as that was about it.

'Percy why do you want me to do this?' She asked me.

"I am going to be here for a while so I need them to think I am a normal scared demigod cursed with partial immortality. I don't want to be chased as an item that the gods want I just want to stay in one place and let my energy regain." I said with a smile.

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