93 False Awakening, Chaos's Deal, Yeul

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"Who?" I asked her as suddenly I felt something come over me, like a giant warm blanket covering everyone. Suddenly Chaos went down on all fours as she clung to my shirt.

"Percy you have to leave." Chaos said as I felt the blanket growing heavier, it was forcing me to sleep.

"I have to find Diana." I said as I began to walk as I looked to see the hunters already asleep, it was just getting heavier and heavier as I fell to my knees. But I kept crawling to my tent the sheer will to stay conscious was fuel to find Diana.

As I entered my tent I saw two people one was Diana in the lap of another women as I fell to the ground. It was like it quadrupled in size. But I felt that it was the limit of the person's powers as I tried to move but I found my limbs were asleep. As I looked up and my eyes closing I saw a very familiar face of Yeul as she held Diana in her arms.

"D...Di...Diana." I managed as my body went limp as the lady carried the unconscious Diana and stepped right in front of me.

"Ah Percy don't worry when you wake back up, but for now you will come with me and so will your pretty little girlfriend." Said Yeul as I passed out.



"Even where sleep is concerned, too much is a bad thing." – Homer

Did you know that a human sleep an average of a third of their life? Well in my case I have slept well over half of it, I may be immortal but still sleeping for more than half my life is too much. But now I sat in a vast empty space my consciousness making the time feel like minutes to hours.

I knew I was asleep as I tried to break free of its grip for what seemed like minutes in my slumber, but I was so relaxed a peaceful I didn't want to wake up. But the thought of Diana being hurt fueled me to wake up. I fought for hours as finally I saw the break begin to break as I ripped my way out of it.

With a gasped for air as my eyes opened wide, I just lay in my spot hopping nothing serious had happened. But as I slowly sat up I found myself in a room a medical room, I looked to my side slowly feeling my stiff muscles burn in protest. I guess I hadn't moved in forever as I heard snaps and pops in places I never heard them before.

"Hello?" I asked in a dry voice as I heard beeping noises to my right was an IV with water in it along with a heart monitor. I ripped off the pads to the heart monitor but I kept the IV in as I felt it heal me.

"Is anyone here?" I asked as I reached up to scratch my face to find a beard on me, and the thing is I don't really grow facial hair. I do but I haven't shaved in 20 years the last time I shaved and at that time it was just stubble. But this beard was bigger than any beard I have ever had it kind of looked like Poseidon's but black not salt and pepper like his.

"..." I heard something but it was too quiet to hear as I stood up slowly finding myself in my normal clothes just the jacket wasn't there. I guess Alpha didn't want to get in the way of the IV.

"Hello?" I managed again as I began walking using the IV for a little support as my muscles began moving again.

"..." I heard a voice again, as I walked out of the room I found a large hallway that was all white and baby blue colors. They had a peaceful feel to it as there was also moonlace filling pots that were on small stool things. The sent was amazing as I walked down the hallway, there was no other rooms as I walked down the corridor.

"I..." I barely heard a women's voice as I hurried up as I began walking farther down the hall, passing the potted flowers and giant windows that sowed a massive garden. The garden had hundreds of different flowers. With pure white granite sidewalks running everywhere in the garden. It was a solid 50 football fields large, as I could see another hallway the same as mine on the other side.

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